These 15 Useful Beauty Tips Will Make Your Life Easier

Oct 15, 2018

No matter how old you are or how much money you have, you always want to look good. You do not want dry skin, pimples or yellow teeth to harm the way we look.

The only problem is finding enough time to have a good beauty regimen. Luckily, there are a few simple tips that can make you look gorgeous with very little effort.

1. An Acne-Free Complexion

An outburst of pimples can distract from your natural beauty. Thankfully, you can cure your pimples at home.

Place a few drops of eye drops onto a cotton swab. Put it in your refrigerator for about five minutes.

Then, apply this mixture to your pimple to shrink its size.

You can also use Eye Drops and a makeup brush to cure your pimples.

Just add Eye Drops to your pimples using the makeup brush. Then, allow the solution to dry completely before washing it away.

This will boost the elasticity of your skin and get rid of any redness.

2. Plumper Lips

Some people are born with naturally plump lips. If you were not one of those lucky people, then you might have to buy lip fillers to get that plump look. You can also make a simple remedy for fuller lips.

Blend together:

Now, massage the mixture onto your lips for about 30 seconds.

Leave the mixture on your lips for five minutes before washing it off.

3. Whitening Under Your Arms

If you feel uncomfortable wearing a sleeveless dress because of dark skin on your underarms, this remedy can help.

You will need:

Cut the lemon into four pieces and squeeze out the juice. Then, add some baking soda to the mixture and apply it under your arms. Leave the mixture on for 5 to 10 minutes.

For the best results, use this technique right before you go to bed.

4. Smoother Skin

You do not have to spend a lot of money on bath soaps and lotions to get smoother skin. With this remedy, you can have a spa-like treatment at home.

You just need:

Blend a cup of each ingredient together. Then, use this scrub in circular motions on your skin. Wash it off and enjoy having softer, smoother skin.

5. Younger Skin

We might not be able to turn back the aging clock, but we can at least look like we did.

This remedy works to brighten your skin and remove age spots.

You need to mix the following ingredients in a blender:

Then, use the mixture on your hands or anywhere else where you have age spots. Leave the mixture on for two minutes before washing it off.

If the lemon juice is too much for your sensitive skin, you can replace it with water instead.

6. Smoother Feet

We walk around all the time, and high heels are especially bad for making our feet feel rough. The right foot soak can soothe uncomfortable feet and soften your skin.

Blend together:

Then, stir in some warm water. Let your feet soak in this mixture for 15 minutes.

7. A Toning Massage

It turns out that you can reduce tension and tone your muscles at home. All you need is an exercise mat and a tennis ball. Put the tennis ball on the exercise mat.

Then, lay down with the ball placed on your sore spot. Gently move your body around against the ball to work out any tight muscles.

8. Gorgeous Eyebrows

In recent years, thick, luscious eyebrows have become popular.

You can boost your hair growth by adding the right vitamins, antioxidants and proteins.

Instead of getting expensive, painful eyebrow tattoos, try placing some castor oil on a cotton pad.

Apply the oil to your eyebrows. Then, use your fingers to massage each eyebrow for three minutes. After 30 minutes, wipe off the oil using makeup remover.

9. The Skin Around Your Nails

When you have torn or damaged cuticles, it ruins the way your nails look. You can easily solve this problem at home.

Blend a capsule of vitamin E into a tablespoon of olive oil. Soak your fingers for several minutes in this solution.

Then, use a wooden cuticle stick to gently push back your cuticles.

10. Removing Dark Skin on Your Elbows, Neck and Knees

Dark spots tend to develop wherever your skin is dry or inelastic. You can cure this problem at home with a few ingredients from your kitchen cupboard.

Mix together:

Then, apply the solution to your darkened skin. Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

11. Soothing Headache Relief

If you are suffering from a terrible headache, this relief balm could help. Instead of taking painkillers, apply this mixture to your temples.


You can substitute jojoba oil for almond oil if you need to. Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Then, you can apply the balm to your forehead or temples.

You can store any leftover balm in a jar for when you get another headache.

12. Face and Body Detox

You can quickly detox your face and body with this scrub.

You just need:

Start by drizzling olive oil on the cut portion of the grapefruit. Then, dip it into the coffee grounds. Use the grapefruit to massage your skin with circular motions. You can reapply the coffee grounds and olive oil as needed.

13. Gorgeous Nails

Yellow spots can make your nails look terrible. To get rid of these spots, you just need an old toothbrush and some toothpaste.

Brush your nails with the toothbrush and toothpaste for several minutes. This will make the stains completely disappear.

14. Add Volume to Your Hair

If you want voluminous hair, this method will do the trick. All you need is a clean toothbrush and a comb. Use the toothbrush to part your hair and tease out your roots.

The soft bristles give you more control than a typical hairbrush. Before long, it will look like your hair has an added volume and thickness to it.

15. Whiter, More Radiant Teeth

Give yourself a beautiful, white smile with this home remedy. You just need a tablespoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Use the two ingredients to make a paste. Then, brush your teeth like normal with the mixture. To get whiter teeth in a shorter amount of time, leave the mixture on your teeth for five minutes.

Then, rinse it off and repeat daily or as needed until you have a whiter smile.

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Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!