These 12 Things Are Absolutely Essential To An Introvert's Happiness
Nov 10, 2018
It isn’t always easy being an introvert. Introverted individuals have to constantly deal with mental and physical exhaustion just from socializing and being around others. Because of the different ways we are wired, it is important that we get the following 12 things in order to be happy. Read on to find out what they are.
1. We need time to wind down and process information.
We need downtime when we have been out to big parties or other events to recharge our batteries. But it is also important for us to get downtime after the “little” things occur, too. This may include a trip to the grocery store or an hour of phone calls to clients. We need this time to fully come to terms with the experience we just had, as well as to bring our stimulation level down. When we don’t have it, we will feel brain dead, irritable, and physically sick.
2. We need meaningful conversations.
Most introverts loathe small talk with a passion. Having to talk about our weekends or the latest weather forecast can drain us completely. We actually crave deep, meaningful conversations that actually discuss the important things in life. This doesn’t mean that every conversation with us has to be deep, but we do prefer this type of talk over others.
3. We love companionable silence.
Sure, this seems contrary to the above point, but we introverts need to be around people who can sit quietly with us. We are happy to sit in a room with another person and just do our own thing. Maybe it is just reading a book or playing games while your significant other does the same. We don’t need someone to talk and fill the silence just because it is there. Introverts won’t be truly happy unless they have companionable silence in their lives.
4. We need space to explore our hobbies and interests.
We may enjoy cooking, horror movies, Celtic mythology, war history, baking, or writing. Whatever it is, introverts will dive deep into the hobby of their choice. We love to fill our time with our hobbies. We can absorb ourselves with them and enter into an energizing state of flow. We absolutely need this flow in order to be happy.
5. We need our own quiet spaces.
This is a place that many introverts do not get, yet truly need. We need a quiet space where we can retreat when we feel the world around us is too loud and annoying. This may be a room that we can lock ourselves into, or it could be a space that we can rearrange and decorate to reflect our unique sense of style. For an introvert, being fully alone is an invigorating experience. It is often almost a spiritual feeling.
6. We need time to think
According to experts, introverts usually rely on long-term memory instead of working memory, as extroverts do. This could explain why many introverts have issues putting our thoughts into words. For others, words flow freely and openly. For introverts, we need time to think and process before responding, especially when it concerns a bigger issue. Without this time, introverts will start to feel stressed out.
7. We need people to understand we don’t always go out.
For an introvert, socializing has to be done in small doses. We have to have loved ones and friends who are okay with this fact. If they don’t accept that we enjoy staying in more often than not, the friendship may suffer. We also don’t need the guilt trip when we choose to stay home rather than go out partying.
8. We need a deeper purpose in life and work.
We all go to work in order to pay the bills. For some people, that is enough of a reason to go in and work at a job they may not like, day after day. But for a lot of introverts, simply doing the same job every single day isn’t enough for us. We want to do something that we feel has a purpose. Without having a purpose in life, an introvert will feel deeply sad.
9. We need permission to remain quiet.
We often do not have the energy to interact with others. We may be reflecting and analyzing about things that have just occurred. When people prod us to talk, we start to feel self-conscious and nervous. We need this time to be quiet. After we process what we are feeling, we will more than likely be happy to engage in a conversation.
10. We need our independence.
An introvert needs the freedom to explore different ideas and thoughts. We want to spend time alone and work on things independently. We don’t always need to follow the crowd- we can be independent and happy about it.
11. We want a simple life
We see our extroverted friends doing multiple activities, such as volunteering at a shelter, taking care of a sick loved one, and planning huge birthday parties- all on top of a full-time job. We cannot survive on a schedule like that. We hope for a simple life most of the time. A good movie and a lazy weekend at home are just fine.
12. We want people to love us despite our “quirks”.
We won’t be the funniest person in the room. In a large group, people may not even notice us, as we like to stay hidden in the shadows. That doesn’t mean we don’t still need people to love us regardless of our little “quirks.” We know that sometimes we are hard to deal with. However, when the people we love are happy to love and accept us for who we are, that makes our lives extremely happy.
Are you an introvert? Do you agree with this article? Let us know in the comments and pass this on to other introverts on your list!