These 11 Plants Will Radiate Positive Energy Throughout Your Home

Aug 24, 2018

The world has a great deal of toxicity and negative energy. Herbal magic has a variety of herbs and plants that give a home positive energy.

Herbal Magic Explained

Herbal magic has been practiced in cultures all over the world throughout all of history. Many people involved in witchcraft would use herbs and plants as spell components. Each plant had magical properties to intensify and enhance spells. People still practice this magic today. Some plants are good for health and healing, while others are ideal for the removal of negative energy. These 11 plants can bring positive energy into your home by offering protection and getting rid of bad influences.

1. Aloe Vera

This plant provides a huge variety of health benefits. You can find it in moisturizers, cleansers, and even food products. Historically, this plant has been called the "plant of immortality," and many rituals and spells use it. Aloe vera protects space from negative energy while bringing in positive energy.

2. Peace Lily

As the name implies, this flower is best known for promoting and attracting peace in people's lives. This plant is incredibly hardy and able to survive in even the most inhospitable environments. A peace lily balances your space and brings harmony, allowing negative influences to dissipate.

3. Cactus

Even without considering herbal magic, cacti are popular choices for on-the-go people. Not everyone has the time to care for a plant, but cacti don't need excessive care. However, caring for your cacti can allow the plant to protect your home from evil influences.

4. Jasmine

In plant magic, jasmine is most commonly known for influencing attraction. No matter whether your intention is to attract fame, happiness, love, or money, you'll want to turn to jasmine for help. Usually, jasmine is used in witchcraft spells, but the flower can be used by itself for attraction purposes. The flower brings color into your space, along with happiness and romance.

5. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus has a great number of medicinal purposes. It brings well-being and physical health into the home, while also promoting emotional and spiritual health. The plant's purpose is to ward off negative energy in its space, so it's great to place in your bedroom and work spaces. It's also believed to influence prosperity. Some businesses will keep eucalyptus trees for their financial success.

6. Peppermint and Spearmint

Mint is all over the world. It's a common scent and flavor in our cosmetics, food, and other accessories. But peppermint and spearmint also serve important purposes in plant magic. They both have the ability to banish negativity from an area. They can also protect a space against magic that other practitioners have cast. Additionally, they attract prosperity and good luck.

7. Basil

Basil was most popular in magic when the ancient Greeks were in power. This cooking herb can attract goodwill and positivity. People place basil on their windowsills or around their doors to bring good energy into their homes. You can also cook with it, so you win on all counts!

8. Chrysanthemum Raymond

Magic practitioners have noted that the chrysanthemum is capable of powerful protection. In ancient times, people believed that these flowers protected their wearer from practitioners of dark magic. The flowers also usher in guidance and wisdom from our ancestors.

9. Orchids

Orchids are popular in households because of their fragrance, but there are even more benefits to them than that. An orchid will purify the air surrounding it, removing negative energy and releasing positive energy instead. Keep an orchid in your bedroom to sleep peacefully and wake with positive feelings each morning!

10. Thyme

Thyme has cleansing and purifying properties. You can place it throughout a house to let it purify the energy. It filters negative energies while letting positive energies thrive.

11. Bamboo

Many Asian cultures recognize bamboo's capability for attracting positivity and good luck. Plant magicians also say that the plant can drive out toxic and negative energy, offering protection and positive energy to your home.

The effect of plants on human behavior is such an interesting area of study. What have your results been with using these plants? Do you have any other plants you swear have changed the environment of your home? Let us know in the comments!