There Is A Link Between Clutter And Depression
Jul 22, 2018
If you've been living in a home filled with clutter, you could be in trouble. Did you know that clutter can cause a myriad of health issues, including depression?
Here's what you need to know.
For many adults, feelings of depression can be overwhelming. If you've read self-help books that promise to help you feel better, only to discover they aren't actually helpful, you might be wondering what else you can do to move forward. Fortunately, there's something big you can actively do to minimize your anxiety and depression.
You can declutter.
Clutter can lead to depression
Left unconquered, piles of clutter in your home can actually lead to further problems with depression. Have you been feeling stressed? Anxious? Down? Is your home messy and filled with boxes or piles of stuff you meant to go through, but haven't? Recent research suggests there's a correlation between "junk" and feelings of depression, which makes conquering your messy house a top priority.
If you're ready to start dealing with your depression head-on, it's time to make some changes around your house. Simple steps, such as putting items away after you use them, can make an incredible difference in your attitude and in the appearance of your home. Additionally, you can start slowly going through excess stuff in your home.
Donating items to a local charity is a great way to minimize your house while feeling great about what you're doing. Remember: decluttering doesn't have to be expensive and it can make an incredible impact on your life. Start small and gradually work your way up to cleaning multiple rooms and reducing the amount of "stuff" in your house. You'll be surprised at just how much this helps improve your mental health and enables you to start moving forward.
Don't wait to start living a clutter-free life. Downsizing and going minimalist could be an incredible way to start feeling better and, most importantly, to start living a healthier life. Pass this article on to your friends and family. They may find it extremely helpful!