The Word You See First Reveals Something Hidden About Your Personality

Mar 02, 2018

Ever heard the saying, "we see what we want to see'? Well, its partly true! We are subconsciously attracted to things that we think about, like, or match our personalities. So when you look at a word puzzle like the one below, the word you see first will actually reveal a lot about you and the kind of person you are!

Scroll down to see what the word you saw first says about you.

#1 Honest

If you saw this word first then you are sincere, true, and honest, Although there are negative words on the list, you were drawn to "honest' because you are the kind of person who likes being upfront with people. It is difficult to be an honest person but you know the value of this trait and otherwise appreciate it in you. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#2 Love

Love makes your world go round! If this was the first word you spotted then you are a loving person who wears their heart on their sleeve. You always look for the good in the world and can draw love out of any person or situation. Your personality is generous, warm and extremely kind. There are few people in this world who love as wholeheartedly and unconditionally as you. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#3 Kind

Few people see this word first and equally few people are truly kind. Kindness is an attribute that few people have these days. If you saw this word first it is because your subconscious is trying to show you what a truly rare personality you have. Your kindness is your crowning trait and valued above all else by those in your life. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#4 Death

If this was the first word that you saw then you have the type of personality that ponders on mortality. It reflects a dark side of your personality and a tendency to be a bit morbid. People with this type of personality can either be a pessimist or just a deep thinker who is obsessed with the meaning of life. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#5 Wise

People who are thoughtful and like to contemplate the deeper things in life are drawn to this word. If you saw this word first then you are the type of person who has a thirst for knowledge and always tries to understand things rather than judge them. You believe true wisdom comes from understanding and you understand more than most. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#6 Rage

You have anger seething in your soul if this is the first word that you saw. You might not even realize it but your subconscious is trying to let you know that you have inner rage and need to address it before it boils over and destroys you or someone in your path. This anger might stem from old hurt or pain. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#7 Doom

Spotting this word first is a sign of rebellion. It reveals that you are looking for a change and want to push against society and expectations. You can be seen as an anarchist and want to bring about the end of society so that you can build something better, something beautiful. Not many people spot this word first. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#8 Loyal

People who were drawn to this word are driven by loyalty and value it above all else. You understand the value of it and take time to build it but once you are loyal to someone you would never ever betray them or deceive them. You despise back-stabbers and do not understand people who are not as loyal as you. Loyalty is what drives you, what defines you. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#9 Truth

You are a truth seeker. If your subconscious picked out this word first then you are the kind of person who hates lies and will always try and seek out the truth. While many people value the truth, not all seek it out because they can be afraid of it but, you would rather know a harsh truth than a white lie. You value truthfulness in yourself and others above all else. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#10 Break

You may keep it hidden but there is a destructive side to your personality. If your subconscious was drawn to this word then you have the type of personality which is always trying to break free from the confines of "normality." You despise being confined and labeled and are happy to break things in order to create. You are drawn to the idea of revolution and can make a great leader for anarchy.

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#11 Hate

If this was the first word you saw then your dark side may be taking over. You constantly battle between your light and bright side and your darker tendencies and your subconscious may be trying to tell you that your negativity is taking over. Maybe you are being fueled by hate due to a certain situation or experience but you should not let it eat at your soul. Hate can be toxic and you need to be careful to let go of it. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!  


#12 Trust

You are both trusting and trusted. If this was the first word you saw it spoke to your innate trust in the world around you. You understand the value of someone's confidence in you and equally value being able to confide in others. It is one of the rarest qualities to have an makes you very unique for spotting this word first. 

Hit SHARE now and see what word your friends and loved ones spot first and what it reveals about them!