The Longest Rabbit In The World Weighs 49 Pounds And Is More Than Four Feet Long
Sep 27, 2019
We all love cute little bunnies, right? If we are lucky, we see them hopping around in our backyards or at the local pet store. However, most bunnies are the size of a larger cat. You don't expect to see a bunny that weighs more than a small child! You'll be shocked when you scroll down and see the picture of Darius, the biggest bunny in the entire world.
The winner in the category of "world's longest rabbit" in the Guinness Book of World's Records is Darius, a Flemish Giant rabbit. Darius is an impressive 49 pounds! He is also 4-feet, 4-inches long.
Not only is Darius officially the world's longest rabbit, but he has also won the title for eight years in a row. He was first given the honor on April 6th, 2010. He just retired after winning the spot for eight years running. We can see why!
Annette Edwards owns Darius and has some titles of her own. She is a 66-year-old lady who is the oldest glamour model in all of the United Kingdom. She has worked as a model for more than 40 years and has decided to retire with her bunny according to the Worcester News. Darius is now free to run around the yard with his son, Jeff.
While rabbits usually live to be about 8-years-old, Darius is fortunate to have been alive longer than that. Every year he goes through about 2,000 carrots and 700 apples. He also eats a bale of hay every single week. Annette supplements his meals with bowls of vegetables and other fresh fruits as often as she can. She stated that she spends around $6,153 per year to feed him according to The Daily Mail. That's a lot of food for one animal!
There may be another contender for the title coming up! Annette thinks that Jeff may outgrow his father in size. She said that the bunny is still growing and is already quite big. We will eagerly await the news of Jeff becoming the biggest bunny ever!
Check out his video below. Darius could get a job as the Easter Bunny if he gets bored-he is certainly large enough to pull off the job!
What did you think of this bunny? Would you enjoy taking care of an animal this size? Leave us a comment below, and then pass this on to your friends and family.