The Generation From The 70s and 80s Finally Have A Name

Aug 20, 2018

People who were born in the late 70s and early 80s have historically been grouped in with the millennials and the Gen X crowd;however, this just isn't true. The good news is these people now have their own generation. People who were born between 1977 and 1983 are now known as Generation Xennial. People who were born in these years have not typically fit in with other generations. Now they have successfully got their own mini generation.

Xennials don't typically share the personalities of millennial or Gen x'ers. It makes sense for people born between 77 and 83 to have their own generation. Xennials are not as cynic as Gen X'ers, and they are not as optimistic as millennials. This is the main reason why Xennials fall somewhere between millennials and Gen X'ers.

This generation name is newly minted, so it is still being debated by people everywhere. Disagreements on the personality traits of this generation are still highly argued.

Unlike millennials, Xennials were fully grown before the tech revolution. Xennials didn't grow up with a cellphone in their pockets. In fact, beepers were just becoming popular as they were graduating high school. However, unlike Gen X'ers, Xennials were able to quickly adapt to cellphones, computers, and other technology. This is yet another reason that people born between 77 and 83 deserve their own generation. Xennials were mature enough, yet still young enough, to take to technology without missing a step. Kelley Archive

Xennials take the best qualities of millennials and Gen X'ers without taking many of their negative aspects. Xennials have waited long enough to earn their own generational title. They are tired of being called millennials; they are tired of being called Gen X'ers. Now they have their own identity.

Are you a Xennial? If you feel like you aren't a millennial and you aren't a Gen X'er, will you be taking this new title? Or do you feel that you are a part of one of the other generations? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones to discuss about it.