The Best Way To Decrease Sugar Consumption

May 15, 2018

Most Americans consume much more sugar than they need. Sugar is an ingredient that gets added to a lot of products, and it can be found in great concentrations in certain foods that you might not expect, like various soups, salad dressings, crackers, and sauces.

Since these foods and many other more obvious items contain high levels of added sugar, it is easy to overindulge in them. They often have tons of calories, but little nutritional value, so you never feel full.

To reduce sugar in your diet, you need to focus on anything with added sweetener. Don't worry about reducing natural sugars like those found in fruits and vegetables. The goal is to change your diet enough so that the amount of sugar you ingest is less than before.

There are a number of ways to help make this transition easier.

One habit that you'll most likely need to change is your morning routine. Breakfast in the modern world often is nothing more than a dessert item like a donut or energy bar. Many breakfast foods that seem to be healthy actually have a ton of added sugar, like granola bars and children's breakfast cereals.

For breakfast, it is better to focus on things that aren't necessarily sweet, beyond fruit. Add veggies to your breakfast routine for an even healthier boost. Eat smaller portions, and limit juice servings since they have high levels of natural sugar even if no sugar has been added.

One thing you'll certainly want to do right away if you are looking to move away from processed sugar is to remove sodas from your diet. Diet sodas are better in terms of sugar content, but they still contain chemicals that aren't useful to your body at all.

While it might sound a bit extreme to remove them from your diet altogether, it is by far the best solution. Sodas contain more added sugar than just about any other food product. For instance, a single serving of Coca-Cola has more added sugar than is necessary for a grown adult on a daily basis.

There are numerous alternatives to soda that are just as satisfying. If you want soda for the caffeine, you can get the energy boost from tea or coffee, which would preferably be unsweetened. For those attracted to the carbonation of soda, sparkling water or seltzer is an excellent option.

Your pantries are another potential source of problems when switching to a no added sugar diet. The sugar industry is excellent at sneaking their product into many different foods, and that translates to a pantry full of added-sugar snacks. Be sure to check all food labels before you buy.

Comparison shopping is one way to ensure that you find the foods with the optimal sugar level. Eventually, it will become second nature. The nutritional facts on each product will contain all the info you need to make an informed decision.

If you want some tasty alternatives to your standard snacks, the best options are always natural. Nuts are a good option, and so is popcorn. Fruit is always a good selection, and you can even get away with canned fruit as long as it isn't kept in syrup, which many fruits are.

Sauces and other condiments are other potential mechanisms for ingesting sugar. Ketchup is made with two highly concentrated sweeteners, and pickles contain much more sugar than you might imagine. Pasta sauce is incredibly loaded with sugar, and certain mustards, especially honey mustard, contain high levels of added sugar.

One answer to this problem is to make your own sauces with less sugar.

Just because you are avoiding sweets doesn't mean you should avoid desserts altogether. If you are going to have a dessert with some added sugar, remember to properly control your portions. If you feel tempted to eat dessert simply out of habit and not as a treat, try to select something that will break your normal dessert habit.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature. It's important to talk to your doctor before you change your diet. Your health is important to us!

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