The Best Tips And Household Remedies For Getting Rid Of Calluses

Jul 13, 2018

Having calluses on your feet is not only unsightly but often also painful. This is why we will tell you how to keep your feet beautiful and healthy in this article.

Calluses on your feet are often annoying. And during the summer months they can be very noticeable if you're wearing open shoes or flip-flops. Sometimes they can be so extreme that you just want to hide your feet. External factors such as sweat, heat or dust can lead to even thicker calluses. Cracked skin across your feet can be even more dangerous: Bacteria can use these to get under your skin and lead to painful skin conditions.

Often you end up with no other choice but visiting a medical professional. But the shame many people feel because of their feet can keep them from doing that. In this case there's only one thing left: Taking action yourself.

What Is The Correct Way Of Taking Care Of Feet?

There's a nearly infinite number of possible ways to get rid off calluses. If you go in for "Doctor Fish Therapy", small fish will eat away your calluses. However, this runs the risk of possibly contracting hepatitis-C. Another way would be special gels that were developed to reduce your calluses if you keep applying them to your feet.

But you don't even need so much effort. There are much easier ways to get beautiful feet. Even better: You can easily perform them within your own home.

Here are the promised tips and household remedies that will make your feet smooth and even and keep you from developing calluses. But don't forget: Having slightly thickened skin on your feet is healthy, as it protects the feet from shocks, friction, viruses, bacteria and fungi. So be careful!

Using These Remedies Will Give You Smooth Feet

1. Callus-Tip: You can easily take care of your feet and fight calluses from home by using a pumice stone or a creme with at least 10% urea content. A callus rasp can also become quite useful.

You shouldn't rasp away too much though, otherwise you risk injuring your feet since deeper layers of skin could be injured. A slightly more gentle effect can be achieved by using a foot file or scraper. Using an electrical rasp makes it easier to get rid of calluses and also lessens the amount of welts and cracks you will have.

Getting Rid Of Calluses With A Pumice Stone

Pumice stones have a long history of being used to get rid of calluses. Nowadays you can buy the natural as well as the synthetic version. You can only remove thin layers of thickened skin this way, thicker calluses need a corn plane. In order to get your feet to the optimal temperature, you should take a warm footbath beforehand.

A note for diabetics: The synthetic variant is more hygienic, as skin cells do net get caught in its pores.

Help With Corns On The Feet

Welts or corns can only be fought with special medical strips. They contain a salicily acid which softens the affected skin and then detaches it. If these strips do not help, you should visit a pedologist or another specialist for feet care.

2. Callus-Tip: Letting your feet soak in water mixed with cooking salt or salt from the Dead Sea cleans and disinfects them. This makes it perfect for thicker calluses.

3. Callus-Tip: A mixture of mouthwash, vinegar and water may sound strange, but makes a wonderful footbath! Let your feet soak for 15 minutes and dry the callused skin sections carefully afterwards. You can make this method work even better by applying foot cream twice a day. Moisturizing creme for the feet can also help, especially with dry feet. Wear cotton socks afterwards!

4. Callus-Tip: Special foil socks even make using a corn plane unnecessary. Wear them for an hour a day and you'll start seeing results within about two days, as the skin on your feet will start to peel. After one week the skin will be smooth.

5. Callus-Tip: Baking soda is a very versatile household item and can even be used as a beauty product. You can get an optimal peeling mixture by using two table spoons baking soda, one drop of essential oil and liquid soap. Just soak your feet for 10 minutes and use the mix for a peeling afterwards. Afterwards just wash your feet and use a creme.

Will you use these tips to get ready for this summer and take care of your feet? Show this article to your friends and family so they can make use of these tips.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!