Terminally Ill Children Asked What They Enjoyed In Life And Their Answers Are Beautiful

Jul 16, 2018

We all have goals in life. At work, we are focused on making more money and earning the next promotion. We have goals for our relationships, our education, and our friendship. Sometimes, we get buried under the responsibilities of life and forget what is important.

In one heartbreaking story, some terminally ill children reminded one doctor about the most important things in life.

Dr. Alistair McAlpine became a doctor in Cape Town, South Africa, and now dedicates his life to palliative care for children. All of the children in his care are too sick to ever recover, so McAlpine's job is to keep them comfortable and in good spirits during their last days in this world.

The children in his care are mostly between the ages of 4 and 9 years old. Despite their youth, they have displayed a wisdom that surpasses many adults. Over the years, McAlpine became more curious about how they saw life. As these young children confronted death, he wanted to know what they thought was the most important thing in life. After asking the children, he posted his responses to Twitter for the rest of the world to see. The answers he got were truly astounding.


What Truly Matters The Most In Life?

According to the children, watching television or being on Facebook were not important at all. None of the children said that arguments or spending time in the hospital was the most important thing in their world. Instead, many of these young, dying children thought the love of their family mattered most. Their greatest worry was for how their parents would deal with their death. How would their parents handle losing them? These poor children were heartbroken to think about how their parents would deal with their loss. For many of their children, this was the greatest sadness that they faced as they confronted death.

Other than their love for family members, the children also talked a lot about how much they loved their pets. They talked about how happy their pets made them and how much they loved snuggling them at night.

The children also discussed how much they loved reading books. As they faced the end of their life, the children realized how important kindness was. From these children, we can all learn an important lesson. We are judged by the kindness and love we show for others. It is the family, friends, and pets in our lives that make life worth living.

According to the children, reading more, loving more and eating more ice cream were the most important things in life.

What do you think? What matters the most in your life?