Teen Girl Hugs Her Boyfriend Moments Before His Life Support Is Turned Off
Aug 27, 2018
A teenage girl had to kiss her boyfriend goodbye before he got disconnected from life support, a hard decision his parents had to make after he got hurt in a fierce accident.
Having somebody that you love die is unbelievably hard. A teenage girl had to say goodbye to her boyfriend after his family decided to have his life support disconnected. The picture shows the couple who were deeply in love.
He had been in an accident while he was on a family vacation. The family believes that he had gone for a swim and then the current caught him and dragged him away. He was not the only person who got caught in this incident. Two other boys were also swept away from the shore.
Eventually, they were retrieved by the rescue vehicles. It took two Coast Guard teams, paramedics, police forces, two helicopters and three lifeboats to get these boys out of the water. Though they were able to get the boys out of the water, they still sustained massive injuries.
They had to place Blake on life support as he could not function on his own. The doctors then examined his body and his condition and concluded recently that his brain damage was too advanced for him to be able to recover fully. They told his parents that he was never going to recover, which is why they made the difficult decision.
The picture caught the heart-breaking and special moment when Stephanie said a last goodbye to her beloved Blake. They let everyone know that Blake was let go without having any pain and in the loving circle of his family.
Check out this video to hear the full story:
Tell your closest ones about this heartwarming story and think about how you feel about life support. What kind of choice would you make if you had to decide whether to disconnect someone from life support? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones as well.