Teen Asks Dad To Take Her To Doctor, But The Diagnosis Is Far Worse Than Anyone Could Have Expected

Oct 04, 2018

Shayla Mitchell had been battling a cough for quite some time. Worried she had a sinus infection, she asked her father, Tom, to take her to the doctor.

Tom picked her up after school to drive her to the doctor. The plan was to drop in to get her checked out and then get something to eat later.

Shayla's doctor returned to the examination area with a look of concern and dismay. Her diagnosis was much worse than they initially thought. She didn't have a sinus infection. A large cancerous tumor had spread to two-thirds of her upper torso. Even worse, some of the respiratory issues she was having were because of a collapsed lung.

Shayla and her father went through with their after appointment dinner plans. Instead of a restaurant, it was in the pediatric oncology wing of the Fairfax Hospital.

Tom and Shayla were soon told that she was suffering from Stage 4 Hodgkin's disease. Shayla was absolutely terrified.


Before telling her everything that was happening in her body and what was next to come, he made a trip to a Native American store close to the hospital. He bought them both a bracelet and shared the news.

He talked to her about bravery. He talked to her about the meaning of the feathers. He talked to her about cancer and the path they would take together. Holding her in his arms he pledged that no matter what happened, they would find a way to be brave together.

After that, he placed the bracelet on Shayla's wrist and promised her he would wear his bracelet every single day until she was cancer free.

Over the next couple of years, the pair spent many nights in the hospital together. Shayla fought and clawed her way through countless bouts of chemotherapy, invasive tests, radiation, blood transfusion, huge amounts of medication, and she even suffered heart failure early in her chemotherapy treatments. She had to be fitted with a pacemaker.

Her father, Tom, was there for her all the way. He was there when she was sick to her stomach and need support. He was a comforting hand for her when she just needed to know that she was not alone.

On the way to an appointment, Shayla's pacemaker malfunctioned and was shocking her. Tom pulled her close to him and held her tightly even as the pacemaker nearly jolted her from his arms. He refused to let go and rushed her to the hospital.

Just as quickly as it began malfunctioning, the unit ceased acting erratically and returned to do its original job. Eventually, that specific version of the device was recalled by the manufacturer.

She went through a surgery to replace it, a bone marrow transplant that didn't take, and procedure after the procedure until one day, the doctors told them there was nothing more they could do.

Tom was heartbroken. How would he tell his daughter that there was nothing medically left to try? As difficult as it was, he did have that conversation with her. It was a moment no parent should ever have to make, and when it was done, when he fell silent, Shayla leaned over and whispered to her father, "Am I still Brave?"

Tom looked into her battle weary eyes and for the first time noticed that this battle, this bravery that Shayla showed was not for herself. Her battle and all of her bravery had been for him.

Not long after that, Shayla passed away. Her body battered and broken from a battle with a relentless adversary could take no more, but her spirit and bravery never wavered.

You can see Tom discuss is journey to acceptance in the video below:

Shayla was a real hero whose story must go on. Please relay her battle to others facing adversity and those who care about them.