Sympathetic Groomer Opens Her Salon In The Middle Of The Night, Gives Stray Pup An Urgent Makeover

Aug 09, 2019

When Kari Falla, a dog groomer, scrolled through Facebook before bed, she never expected what she saw.

That evening as she looked through her newsfeed, she came across a post showing a dog that had been found near her house in Oviedo, Florida. The picture showed a dog whose fur was badly matted down and filled with fleas.

There was also a barely visible leash embedded into his fur. She knew the dog needed help soon. She also knew she was the person to do it. Falla explained to the man who found the dog she would take the dog in and groom him.

She began to work on the dog around midnight. Falla was extremely surprised when she discovered how bad the dog’s mats were under his fur. Not only were they soaking wet, but they were also flea infested. They had yeast infections and they looked like a mummified cast reported Orlando News 6.

Falla explained how bad the smell was. Falla worked hard on the pup, through the night. She shaved off clumps and clumps of fur. She estimated she had removed about 20 to 25 pounds of this dog’s fur. The dog now looked completely different.

The man who had originally found the dog took the dog to the vet. They discovered that the poor dog was deaf and blind. It was a surprising miracle that he survived for as long as he did in his condition. Because of this miracle, the man that found the dog named him Lucky.

It's heartwarming to hear stories like kind people in the world, helping out animals in need. If you agree, let others know and comment below.