Study Confirms Putting Kids To Bed Earlier Is Better For Mom’s Mental Health
Apr 12, 2018
It's not easy being a mother. The first thing most moms have to sacrifice is sleep. And nobody likes that. A grumpy mom is the last thing a kid wants. Combined with millions of little tasks like feeding, potty training, etc., involved in raising kids, the struggle is real. However, it's also quite possible for the mothers to set a daily routine that works for everyone in the family.
To quote Benjamin Franklin, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." This cliched saying holds a lot of value. Kids are healthier when they sleep on time and go to bed early, in turn making their moms happier.
Everybody needs some quiet time with themselves to rejuvenate.
There is nothing sweeter than silence after a crazy day, no matter how much fun it was. The modern parent is under a lot of stress from the job, the personal relationships and the daily grind. It's essential to take care of your happiness and relax and refresh from time to time, especially when you are a parent raising kids.
In the study, Growing Up in Australia, researchers conducted a series of interviews with thousands of families every two years, beginning in 2004. In this study, the researchers observed and made a note of their physical and mental health. The data collected, based on the sleep and lifestyle of the children involved, was analyzed.
It was noticed that kids with bedtimes—as early as 8:30 p.m.—had “better health-related quality of life.” And because of this, their moms had less stress and improved mental health, too. The lead author of the study, Jon Quach, told Today, “So mums and dads, getting kids to bed early, is not just great for them. It’s good for you, too.”
Nowadays, the parents have to take additional measures to limit screen time before bed. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the release of sleep-inducing melatonin is affected and hence delayed because of the blue light emitted from screens. The light tends to keep you awake longer than your body’s internal clock. Therefore, it's crucial to keep a digital curfew that keeps a check on the use of gadgets like mobile phones, computers, tablets or TV.
Ideally, the use should be limited to one or two hours before bedtime and if possible entirely replaced by a hot shower or a beautiful night time read.
In another U.S. poll published on the National Institutes of Health website, says that children sleep longer if they go to bed earlier. And as per this chart from the National Sleep Foundation, it's clear that children need an adequate amount of sleep.
A healthy bedtime routine can ensure a healthy lifestyle. And it can be established by adding some fun outdoor activities during the day. This will enable you and your child to achieve more on a daily basis and will set you up for long-term success.
If you know a mom who has been struggling with fatigue and stress, this article will help her establish a healthy routine for her children and herself.