Struggling To Lose Weight After Hitting 50? Use These Tips To Stay Fit For The Summer
May 29, 2018
After turning 50, it becomes much easier to gain weight without realizing it. This can be intimidating if you want it to be, but for many, it can be a welcome challenge to making sure you are prepared to face the summer with the beach body you deserve.
Don't just take our word for it, though—Brazilian actress Solange Couto has found success embracing her age (60 years old) while continuing to maintain a healthy figure.
Why is it more challenging to lose weight after 50?
Well, it really comes down to how our body's metabolism processes food. This is because unused muscles take up more of our body's energy than unused fat, and when that's combined with your brain using less muscle energy, your body takes on the unused fat in unhealthy ways.
So, how do you lose weight after 50?
There are many ways you can push yourself to maintain a healthy body image after 50. We've devised a list of a few ways you can keep in mind next time you're having any doubts:
1. Do Not Give Up!
Losing weight can be an incredibly slow, but rewarding process and to think otherwise is a massive disservice to yourself. Make sure to believe in yourself not just every once in a while, but every day, and never give up!
2. Do Not Stop Eating
Though it's been scientifically proven that as we get older we become heavier without eating as much food, don't let that deter you from indulging in your favorite snacks and foods. This can be ultimately unhealthy and lead to disordered eating, so be sure to have a balanced, varied, and rich diet.
3. Get Active - No Matter How You Do It!
There are many activities you can engage in to make sure that you maintain your target body weight, such as walking, jogging, or running. If you're more of the sports type of person, keeping active with volleyball, water polo, or even swimming can be great ways to stay in shape.
Those who appreciate martial arts and dancing will also be relieved to find out how helpful those can be for your health, helping you maintain good, balanced, exercise.
Going to the gym and doing cardio is also a great way to keep your ideal body weight a reality and not just a goal.
Are you above 50? How are you exercising and staying in shape? Let us know and show this article to your workout buddies!