Strong Women Are Emotionally Drained - Here Are 6 Reasons Why

Nov 27, 2018

According to the world, a strong woman fiercely goes through life without worrying about what anyone thinks about her. She makes living life seem so simple and easy. A strong woman is a woman that motivates and inspires others to live their life the way they want. She won't take no for an answer and pursues her passion, even if others are against her. A strong woman wants others to make the most of every opportunity and pursue their dreams, no matter what. This kind of woman is always pushing herself to be better and encouraging others to be their best selves as well.

To the rest of the world, a strong woman has an endless reserve of energy. She is a fighter and will take on anyone and anything to get what she wants. When it comes to caring for others, a strong woman is the type of person that is naturally a caregiver. Regardless of how tired she may be, she will always see to her responsibilities and take care of her loved ones. Strong women have the same 24 hours in their life, but they often seem like they are more productive than the average person. While a strong woman always has a full schedule to take on, she manages to find a way to make time for everything. Even with all of the responsibilities she has, a strong woman is able to glide through life effortlessly, allowing nothing to overwhelm her.

Nothing gets in her way and nothing will hold her back from reaching her dreams. However, though she may seem like superwoman to others, a strong woman is human and has her own weaknesses. She still feels anxiety and stress, just like anyone else. To the world, strong women seem unaffected by negativity, but amidst their strength, these women have to deal with the same toxic feelings and thoughts that anyone else does. While they manage to take on life with a smile, the pressure that they feel is in part due to all the responsibilities they take on.

This is why, though they are incredibly amazing people, strong women often feel very tired all the time. While these feelings of exhaustion can be physical, a lot of it is emotional exhaustion. Left untreated, this emotional exhaustion can really take a toll on a woman's body and mind. A strong woman that is used to a certain level of productivity will find herself shocked that she can no longer accomplish as much. When dealing with emotional exhaustion, strong women often are already worked to the bone and are doing their very best to just get by. While the world applauds these strong women for living their lives the way they want to, they fail to address the emotional exhaustion that often accompanies this type of lifestyle. 

Why are strong women emotionally tired?

1. They never look to others for emotional security.

Are you the kind of woman that always handles her own emotions? While you should rely on yourself for emotional security, you do need other people in your life that you can share your emotions with. 

2. They give and give, never receiving anything in return.

Strong women are often natural givers. While there is nothing wrong with being a giver, you can't keep giving if you have nothing left to give. Since strong women rarely ask for anything, they often are left feeling emptier than others.

3. They feel pain inside, but you never let it out.

Strong women are often under the impression that they must be strong all of the time. There's nothing wrong with strength, but there's also nothing wrong with being vulnerable either. 

4. They aren't given the care they need.

You are human. You need love, affection, and care, just like any other person. Strong women rarely receive these things simply because they intimidate others or give the rest of the world the impression that they are already well cared for.

5. They never ask for love.

Strong women never ask for love--at least, that is what the rest of the world thinks. However, strong women, like anyone else, need love. 

6. They don't like sharing their issues with others.

Opening up about your issues can seem like a sign of weakness. The truth is that strong women need someone to talk about their issues with too. 

Strong women should continue to live unapologetically while making sure to take care of themselves too! Do you agree? Let us know your opinion in the comments and don't forget to pass this on to all the strong women in your life!

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