Six Zoo Penguins Love Getting Weighed, And Their Caretakers Love It Too
May 06, 2020
Since we can be very conscious about our weight, we avoid getting on a scale in front of our friends. Interestingly, animals have a different reaction when it comes to doing the same. A pack of six Humboldt penguins at the Saint Louis Zoo were very excited to have their weight taken by the caretakers. The event was captured on camera, and it’s just adorable.
Pedro, who acts as the leader of the pack is the first to get on the scale. As the other penguins wonder what the shiny thing is, Pedro listens to KC Donaldson, the caretaker, as she gives him instructions on what to do.
When Pedro steps on the scale, he can’t contain himself. He’s just so excited that he continuously wags his flippers and squeals. The caretaker contributes to this happiness by congratulating Pedro and calling him a good boy.
The other Humboldt penguins become excited by Pedro’s reaction and gather around him. Now, everyone cannot wait for their turn to stand on the scale. KC Donaldson has to stop other members of the pack from using the scale at the same time. She uses her hand as a barrier.
KC Donaldson creates a sense of order and arranges the penguin in a line. Some stay in the line while others wander off. Along with her colleague, they carefully measure the weight of every penguin.
In the excitement, most penguins cannot be still. They are constantly moving on the scale, and the caretaker has to hold them to get the right weight. The penguins also gather around KC Donaldson hoping to get some treats.
You’ll wish you were there to hold these cute penguins and join them in their excitement. This video just shows how much people can have fun with animals. Even the most mundane task can turn into a fun activity.
With so much going on around the world, we could all do with a little bit of cuteness and happiness. Therefore, spread the love and show this video to friends and family. It will make their day.