Signs You Might Soon Be Contacted From The Afterlife By Your Spirit Guide

Oct 11, 2017

The world is a strange and dangerous place, and it can often instill a sense of loneliness or vulnerability. Many believe they are entirely on their own when it comes to navigating life, but everyone has some sort of spirit guide that protects and watches over them. These spirits are benevolent in nature and want to help us as we try to find our way through the world. These entities are also responsible for protecting us from tragedies and keeping us safe.

You might not necessarily believe in the idea of spirit guides, but that doesn't mean the idea is entirely lost on you. These sorts of guides exist all throughout society in the form of animals, spirits, and even people. These people might be healers or other societal protectors. Signs from these guides are all over the place, even if they aren't sent directly to us.

Those who are open to the idea of spiritual connection can learn what to look for when deciphering these signs. It won't take long for you to realize that these signs are nearly everywhere. If you've experienced any of the most common signs outlined below, there might be a spirit guide of some sort attempting to get in touch with you.

Loose Change

You might assume that finding a quarter on the sidewalk is a fairly random event, but that doesn't have to be the case. Any sort of change, whether it be dimes, nickels, pennies, or quarters, can potentially be signals from the great beyond. Spirit guides like to place coins in locations where they know they will be found. You might notice that you often find loose change when you're feeling depressed or sad. This is your spirit guide's way of helping cheer you up. Don't forget to thank your spirit guide the next time you find such a thoughtful present.


Many people experience dreams that feel totally real. These dreams can often be quite profound and meaningful to the individual, and perhaps elements of the dream may even happen in the real world. These experiences, which are similar to deja vu, might actually be a message from your spirit guide. They often try to convey meaning through dreams. This is especially true if you dream something that provides an answer to something with which you've been struggling.


Feathers might be associated with birds in the physical realm, but in the afterlife they are a symbol of angelic power and protection. If you happen to find a white feather in your daily life, take it as a sign that your spirit guide is nearby. You might notice that you usually find these white feathers in places where they stand out. The location might be obscure, or it could be well-traveled enough that feathers should be rare.


Scent is the sense most closely connected with memory, which often makes it the sense most connected with emotion. You have probably experienced what it's like to smell something pleasant that you haven't smelled in a long time, and it instantly transports you back to that time. When you smell something familiar, it could be your spirit guide trying to connect with you. Such an experience is often thought to be advice from the spirit guide regarding an important life decision. In the end, you must trust that your spirit guide will be there to help you when you need it.


Have you noticed any of these signs? SHARE now with your friends and loved ones so that they can look out for these symbolic moments.