Should You Or Shouldn't You Drink Water At An Interview

Feb 09, 2018

Whether its water, coffee or a double shot of espresso you should ALWAYS accept a drink when it is offered at an interview. Not only will it make you more comfortable (and alert with caffeine) but it will also make your hosts more comfortable.

Accepting a drink sends the message that you are

a) appreciative of their hospitality

b) at ease in their presence

c) confident in yourself

Most importantly, it establishes a social dynamic!

You should never worry that you are being a bother or wasting someone's time. In fact, it is often used as a bridge from casual introductions to the more formal part of the meeting. It also allows time for you to

This informal window is a great time to break the ice and show a bit of your personality. You can show them how polite and courteous you are laying the groundwork for the formal interview. 

In short, accepting a cup of coffee or water makes you more likable!

So next time you are wondering if it is ok to take them up on the offer, always say yes!

SHARE This interesting article with your friends and loved ones so they know its ok to drink the kool-aid!