Shape Your Dream Body With These 15 Exercises

Nov 06, 2018

Are you looking for a sign to start working on your dream body? Here's your sign! Let's get started now. Here's a list of 15 exercises you can do to see that dream body looking back at you in the mirror.

Shoulders and Arms

These exercises are beneficial to get lean biceps, anterior, traps, and middle heads on the deltoids. You'll want to give these exercises a go especially if you sit around at a desk all day. You could end up with osteochondrosis, but don't worry these exercises can help with reversing that diagnosis. If you don't have any store bought dumbbells, using bottled water will work just fine.

Side Lateral Lift

Bicep Curl

Chest Muscles

It's often said that a woman's age can be guessed by how her chest and neck area look. You can keep some of those digits off by toning your chest muscles. This set of exercises is very effective and can be done in no time.

Alternating Arms Press and Fly

Back Muscles

Bent Over Row Lunge Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Swing on the Floor

Abdominal Muscles

These classic exercises will help you get that tummy fit. You will be ready for a midriff in no time! It only take a few minutes a day to see results.

Crunches Leg Raises 3/4 Sit-ups Air Bike

Legs and Buttock Muscles

This one one of the most difficult places for women to get weight off. With these exercises, you will be able to train your body to work as needed and get that stubborn fat off.

Jump Lunge

Bent Over Side Swings Squat and Reverse Lunges

Whole Body Sets

Once you get used to working individual sets of muscles, you can move on to whole body sets.

Kneel to Stand

Working out every day is vital to your health. Always start by warming up your muscles. This prepares your muscles for the upcoming workout and will help you to avoid stress and injuries. You don't need a trainer to make progress with your exercising. Stay positive and keep your motivation. You'll see results sooner than you think!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!

Will you try this routine? Maybe you can work out with a friend. We are sure there's someone close to you that would be interested in trying this workout. Be sure to let them know about it!