Seven Poses for Perky Breasts
Jun 05, 2018
Are you looking for yoga poses that will firm up your breasts, increase your lung volume, and have you feeling overall healthy and strong? Try out these 7 poses:
1. Bow Pose
Also known as dhanurasana, this pose stretches the spine, helping those with backaches, and aids in shaping beautiful breasts. Simply lie on your belly while bending your knees, raising them behind your head, and holding your ankles. Breathe out, and as far as you can, pull your arms and legs upward while balancing on your stomach. Hold this position for half a minute.
2. Wheel Pose
This pose, known as chakrasana, decreases fatigue, ends headaches, and stretches the neck, spine, and thorax. You just lie on your back with your feet separated approximately shoulder-width, and then pull each to your buttocks. With palms down, put your hands behind your head as your fingers point to your back, raising your hips and breasts highly while breathing outward. Then straighten your arms and remain in position for 30 seconds.
3. Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana, another name for this pose, stretches thoracic muscles and strengthens abs while improving posture and increasing lung volume. You only need to lie on your belly while raising your torso and making sure your lower extremities remain on the floor while balancing on your arms and legs. Then raise your head upward, and slowly exhale while resuming the original position. Increase the time you stay in position each time.
4. Supported Headstand
The Salamba Sirsasana helps with the muscles and ligaments of the spine and thorax while increasing blood flow and aiding with breathing. Just stand on your knees with your forearms on the ground while placing your fingers together to create a bowl. Place your head in the bowl on the mat while bending your knees and raising your feet in the air. Breathing out, stretch your legs up and remain in position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
5. Triangle Pose
The pose known as trikonasana improves blood flow, stretches the spine, and strengthens the thorax. Just keep your feet apart widely while turning the left 90 degrees and the right only 15. Use your left hand to touch your left ankle and your right arm can stretch up to form a straight line, parallel with your knees and spine. Your face should turn upwards and stare at your fingers. Now repeat the pose in a mirrored fashion.
6. Camel Pose
Known as ustrasana, this pose prevents backaches and increases lung volume while strengthening the thorax. Pull your feet together with your hands on each heel while standing on your knees and slowly bending backward. Stretch your ribcage and arch your back with your head pulling down on the floor. Hold for half a minute, then resume the first position.
7. Warrior Pose
The position known as virabhadrasana will activate and elasticize the thorax while allowing you to feel your strength. Just place your feet parallel to each other, apart widely, and bend your left knee while breathing outward. Keep the right knee straight, and raise your arms until they line up with your shoulders. Turn your head to look at your left wrist. Repeat this ten times and then mirror the position
Did you know that these simple yoga poses could firm up your breasts? Do you know of any other poses that can firm up aging breast tissue and preserve your youthful appearance? Let us know in the comments below, and feel free to pass this article along to your friends and family!