'Second Cousins,' 'Once Removed,' And All The Other Confusing Family Terms Explained

Aug 16, 2018

When attending a big family reunion or get together, there might be many different people there that you do not see on a regular basis. When catching up, it might be interesting to figure out how exactly you are related. Today, there are many different terms that are used to describe distant relatives. However, these terms aren't necessarily used correctly.

Fortunately, there is a new tool that could help anyone to better identify who exactly is a "second cousin," "cousin once removed," or other distinct but distant relative.


The new chart, which is quickly becoming a tool used by people all over the world, was created by Nathan Yau. The chart uses a very simple process, which is similar to reading a corporate org chart. Each person can use it by first starting with his or her self. They can then move up and down the chart to find either descendants or ancestors.

While it starts with short lines that lead to parents, children, and grandparents, the chart quickly expands and shows how many people we could be related to.

You can use this version of the chart to find many distantly related people, including your “2nd Couse Thrice Removed” or your “Third Great Grand Nephew."


You can use this version of the chart to find many distantly related people, including your “2nd Couse Thrice Removed” or your “Third Great Grand Nephew."


While the use of this chart is often used as a fun tool for entertainment, it is based on definitions provided by the Genealogy website. This website has developed definitions based on common descriptions of relatives. For example, Genealogy has described a first cousin as someone that shares the same grandparents as you and are the children of your aunts and uncles. Genealogy has similar definitions for basically all genealogy terms that you have heard.

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