Say Goodbye To Hand Wrinkles With These 9 Natural Home Remedies

May 29, 2018

Hand wrinkles is definitely common, but that doesn't mean it isn't a problem. In fact, sometimes it can be hard to tell whether or not your skin is in bad shape (i.e. damaged skin producing wrinkles) or if wrinkles are the result of aging.

Regardless of how the wrinkles get there, you don't have to let them control your life. To help you combat hand wrinkles, we've made a list of 9 remedies you can do right in the comfort of your own home to begin having healthier skin ASAP!


1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can be used to make cream that helps reduce wrinkles. Here's how you make your own cream out of aloe vera:

2. Fenugreek:

To make a Fenugreek cream that's incredible healthy for your skin, follow the instructions below!


3. Turmeric

Use Turmeric as a cream to prevent wrinkles!


4. Almonds

Almonds can also be used as a nice home remedy against wrinkles!


5. Papaya

Papaya is a great fruit that also does wonders for your skin—no creams involved! Just eating more papaya can put you on the road to better skin in no time and help you avoid wrinkles!


6. Bananas

Mash 2 bananas with your hands until they become a paste, then put it on your hands for 30 minutes before washing off and applying moisturizer.


7. Honey

Honey can be a great supplement to any skin care regiment by using honey as a natural healer, applying it directly to the area where you get wrinkles and washing it off with water after 20 minutes.


8. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another natural healer if you use it correctly, using a cotton ball to dab it on the wrinkle area and letting it stay for 30 minutes before rinsing.


9. Pineapples

Crushing pineapples in a blender and using the resulting paste on your skin for 20 minutes before washing it off with water is also a good way to keep your skin fresh and healthy!

So, what do you think? Are you going to use some of these remedies for your own skin? Show this article to your friends and organize a home-remedy spa day!