Restaurant Workers Were Shocked When Their Message To A Group Of Police Officers Got People Talking

Oct 18, 2024

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Police officers are key members of the community whose jobs play an integral role in society. They serve the people in their respective towns as part of their jobs, as well as being first responders in times of need. They handle challenging situations daily yet remain dedicated to the mission in their line of work.

Aside from the usual aspects of their job, they also play a role in community outreach and on occasion help feed homeless people or drive stranded motorists home, among other such gestures. 

On Sept. 15, 2015, Slidell City police officers were shocked after dining out at a local restaurant in their community after a long day of work. Reportedly, everything went smoothly when they arrived at the restaurant. They placed their orders and received them correctly the way they wanted to. 

However, when they received the bill, the four police officers were “shocked, and beyond surprised” after reading what the restaurant crew had written on their receipt. The following day, everyone in the town already knew what had happened. Keep reading to learn more about the heartwarming story and what the two restaurant crew workers had written on the police officers’ receipt. 

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In a Facebook post by the Slidell Police Department in Louisiana, the department shared a photo of the bill they received after dining out at a local restaurant. 

"Be safe! Thank y'all for y'all's service. Enjoy your meal on us!" the note on the bill read. 

The waitress and the restaurant manager paid almost $70 for the four police officers' meal.

“Words can't describe how this makes all of us feel. Thank you Ms. Arlene and Zoe for being so kind and showing your appreciation for law enforcement,” the post read. 

However, the cops noted that because of ethical regulations, they left a “very generous” tip that would cover the entire bill. 

In an interview with Fox 8 Live, Arline Wood and Zoë Rao, the restaurant manager and waitress, revealed that their simple act of kindness was to express appreciation for the police officers' service. 

"They're the sweetest guys, I enjoy waiting on them," Rao told the outlet. Meanwhile, Wood shared that the police officers “care about the community, they care about everybody, they're just great guys, our whole police force is great and these guys at night, I went to Zoe and I said, let's take care of it.” 

The crew didn’t think that their effort to recognize the police officers' service would make the rounds on social media.

“I got a phone call early in the morning and I was like what are you talking about?” Wood revealed. “People were calling me and then we saw it on Facebook, then it's on this one and that one, and we didn't do it for this publicity, because lord knows I don't like all this publicity.”

What do you think of the restaurant crew workers' act of kindness? Aren’t they wonderful?  Let us know, and pass this on to your family, friends and other loved ones out there!

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