Rebel Wilson Told Fans 65-Pound Weight Loss Was Inspired By Desire to Improve Fertility Chances

Aug 03, 2021

Last year, Rebel Wilson made headlines for her dramatic weight loss. She described 2020 as her "year of health," and had come close to her target weight thanks to a dedicated regimen of diet and exercise that worked out well. The 41-year-old actress and comic, who is known for movies like "Bridesmaids" and "Pitch Perfect," said in the interview with The Sun that she has decided to stop listening to film bosses who have reportedly paid her to "stay bigger."

In the same piece, the news outlet reported that the Australian star’s weight loss journey included high-intensity interval training (HIIT), mobility, weight, and resistance training, along with technique and tempo workouts — and that’s with only one day of rest during the week. To stick to that ambitious schedule, Wilson enlisted the help of celebrity personal trainer Jono Castano Acero.

At the end of 2019, Rebel Wilson made a promise to herself; she vowed to make 2020 her "Year of Health," and to reach her ideal weight of 75kg, and it looks like the actress has not only reached her ideal weight but also maintained it. In her most recent photographs on social media, it is clear that Wilson has been diligent with her weight loss and maintaining her health. 

Wilson has spoken out in the past about wanting a family. In November 2020, she also revealed that she had been diagnosed in the past with polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal disorder that can cause weight gain and make reproduction difficult for women. Wilson opened up at the end of July about how her desire to have children really set off her "year of health." 

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Rebel Wilson (2019), (JB Lacroix/Getty Images)

Page Six reported that Wilson addressed the reason for her journey towards better health on an Instagram Live segment, and said that she had her heart set on starting a family. 

Her response to a fan asking why she decided to embark on her health journey in 2020 was, "That is such a massive question, but I’m going to try to answer it for you," and added, "It first started when I was looking into fertility stuff and the doctor was like, 'Well, you’d have a much better chance if you were healthier.'"

While Wilson was initially offended by the suggestion that she lose weight, she said that she eventually took on the advice. "That’s kind of what started it, that if I lost some excess weight that it would give me a better chance for freezing eggs and having the eggs be a better quality," the actress said. "It wasn’t even really myself, it was more thinking of a future mini-me, really." 

Wilson had previously opened up about the different obstacles she has faced on her fertility journey. 

"I started gaining weight when I was about 20," Wilson told E! Online in an interview. "I had something called PCOS -- polycystic ovarian syndrome -- and I gained weight rapidly. It's just a hormone imbalance and you gain a lot of weight usually and that's how it manifested in me."

"Sometimes, I feel sad, but then at the same time, I worked my body to my advantage," she added. "I like being all sizes. It's just now turning 40, I am more health conscious and thinking of starting a family."

While her determination to become healthier by losing weight has been highly successful, she continues to struggle with infertility. At the end of 2020, she went live on Instagram where she talked about how her weight loss journey also factored into her fertility. "I was thinking about fertility and having good quality eggs in the bank, so I was like, 'OK, I'm going to do this, I'm going to get healthy," she said according to CNN

In the same segment, Wilson also added, "As all good career women out there should know, if that’s something that interests you, it’s a pretty good time to do it," and added, "Getting to [your] forties is kind of even leaving it a little too late. It’s better to do it a bit earlier if you can." 

In an Instagram post from May 3, 2021, Wilson posted a photo looking forlorn and added a long caption that alluded to infertility problems. The caption for the photo she uploaded on Instagram read:

"I got some bad news today and didn’t have anyone to share it with...but I guess I gotta tell someone. To all the women out there struggling with fertility, I feel ya. The universe works in mysterious ways and sometimes it all doesn’t make sense...but I hope there’s light about to shine through all the dark clouds." 

Though she does not allude to any details about what the "bad news" is, her sadness has clearly come through the photograph and the caption. However, nothing has stopped the star from continuing her journey towards a healthy and happy life.  

What do you think about Rebel Wilson's commitment toward her health and fertility? Tell us what your thoughts are, and be sure to ask your friends about their thoughts as well. 

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