Protective Puppy Brother Helps Nurse His Sick Sister Back To Health At The Vet

Sep 19, 2018

Dogs have feelings, too. Never has that statement held more truth than in this heartwarming video of a young German Shepherd puppy comforting his sister as she recovers from an illness at the vet's office.

The adorable pair were recently brought in to the Africano Centre, a veterinary clinic in Cairo. The two were both suffering from the Parvovirus, which is a very contagious virus that causes viral symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Treatment includes antibiotics, IV fluids, and lots of rest. While most dogs require a week-long stay at the animal hospital, some, unfortunately, don't survive the illness.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case for this brother-sister duo. While the brother recovered quickly from the virus, his sister took a bit longer to come around. The two remained together during the duration of the illness, and one particularly poignant moment between them was caught on camera.

Dr. Mohammad Buyahya, a veterinarian who assisted in the treatment of the puppies, noticed the male puppy refused to leave his sick sister's side. He decided to record the pair while they were resting. As the sister lies practically motionless on a cot with a bandage around her paw, her brother places his arm around her neck in an effort provide some comfort to the ailing pup.

As people talk in the background, the older brother wiggles around in an attempt to find a more comfortable position. He eventually rests his head atop his little sister's head, leading to an absolutely precious moment between the pair.

Isn't it so amazing how dog's have the natural intuition to comfort those who need it most? The best part is, they don't want anything in return, except for maybe a little scratch behind the ear or a yummy dog treat.

Did this video bring tears of joy to your eyes the same way it did ours? If so, be sure to pass this touching brother-sister moment onto someone else so they can appreciate it, too.