Protect Your Lawn Against Tick Invasion This Summer With 4 Simple, All-Natural Techniques

Jun 04, 2018

With hot and humid weather right around the corner, and humans spending more time outside, you can expect to hear more about Lyme disease in the news, an illness caused by Borrelia bacteria, commonly found in black-legged ticks. Humans that come in contact with a tick carrying Borrelia bacteria can experience headaches, nausea, dizziness, vision changes, fever, and chills. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease every year. 

Families that live in areas near large forests and woodland have a greater chance of contracting Lyme disease. Every parent should check their body and the body of their children after walking around outdoors. Conducting regular tick inspections is important, but what if you could stop ticks from entering your property? Here are some natural ways to protect yourself from tick bites.

1) Grow more plants that repel bugs 

Even if you are not a plant person, there are a few pieces of vegetation you should keep in your yard. The Iowa State University research team proved that catmints are better at keeping ticks away from your yard than bug repellent you can buy at the store. These plants contain nepetalactone, which is far more effective than DEET, the main ingredient in bug repellent. 

2) Mow the lawn on a regular basis 

It can be quite a hassle to trim your lawn, especially during the warmer months of the year. But keeping your grass short all year long will steer ticks away from your yard. Black-legged ticks like to hide in the shadows provided by tall grass. If you cut your grass on a regular basis, the ticks will be forced to find shelter elsewhere. 

3) The enemy of a tick is your friend 

A tick has a lot of predators, including but not limited to, spiders, ants, and chickens. If you don't mind a few creepy crawlers running around your backyard, it is a worthy investment to keep ticks off of your back. 

4) Lay down wood chips in your backyard 

Ticks love grass, but they hate anything with sharp edges. Cedar chips make an excellent line of defense against ticks. 

If you or somebody you know has a tick problem and could benefit from this suggestions, show this information to your friends who want to avoid ticks. What are your tactics for dealing with ticks during the summer? How do you protect yourself from Lyme disease?