Popular Janitor Gets Holiday To Jamaica Paid For By Students So He Can See His Family

Sep 24, 2018

A janitor for Bristol University recently took the trip of a lifetime, thanks to students who were able to earn almost $2,000 to send him back to his homeland on a much-needed vacation.

Herman Gordon, 65, says he felt like a “trillionaire” the first couple days of his vacation with his wife.


He started to tear up when he was given the money in an envelope at the school.

The students of the school, all 230 of them, saved up to send him and his wife back to Jamaica to visit family and enjoy a break from work.

Herman and his wife had moved to the UK years ago.

Herman has been a janitor at the school since moving to the country and has earned a respected reputation as a much-loved member of the cleaning staff.

Herman and Denise visited the luxurious resort Sandals, located in Montego Bay, during their visit to the Caribbean. The happy couple enjoyed their belated 23rd wedding anniversary while they were on the resort.

This included a private candlelit dinner while lounging on the beach and a relaxing couple’s massage. We know there isn’t a man who deserves it more, and we are loving the pictures!

A video was made of Herman and his wife arriving at the beautiful resort.

In it, Herman tells his viewers that everyone who watches the video will think that he is a trillionaire.

He tells everyone, “God bless you all.” You can see from the video how nice their room and view is.

Denise also thanked the University of Bristol students for giving them such a sweet and thoughtful gift.

As the couple enjoyed their time at the resort, they shared snaps of their various activities. These included fun on a boat, drinking cocktails at sunset, and relaxing in their dressing gowns.

The students raised the money via a JustGiving page. Herman was astounded when they handed him the envelope with all of the cash.

He told MailOnline that he had never before seen so much cash at one time. He said he had enough money for two weeks and was talking to a travel agent in order to get a good deal on a vacation package.

He said he wasn’t sure why the students raised the money for him, but he was amazed and grateful that they did. He says that when he sees students struggling, he does try to encourage them and he just hopes to motivate them even a little bit.

He said that he will tell them about any relevant experiences if he feels that will help the situation they are in. He also blesses their day before they go.

After visiting the resort, Herman and Denise are planning to visit their family in Kingston.

The students knew he had family there, which is why they raised the money in the first place. We are so glad he got to spend time at the resort first!

Many students wrote inspiring messages on the fundraising page, talking about how Herman has a lot of positive energy and loves to talk.

You can tell how loved and appreciated he is at the school.

We are so very happy to see Herman having the time of his life. What wonderful students he works with!

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