Pisces Are Difficult To Understand And Here's 6 Reasons Why

Feb 08, 2018

People born under the sign of Pisces can be complicated to decipher. They tend to reflect characteristics of every sign in the zodiac because Pisces is the twelfth of the twelve astrological signs. Those born under this sign wage a constant war between their own feelings and the feelings of others. Indecision is one of their hallmarks, but Pisces people also love exploring new adventures. Here are six characteristics that make the Pisces in your life hard to understand.

1. Pisces Like to Try New Things

A Pisces can definitely be classified as adventurous. They really like it when their partner is up for the same new challenges. As a result, relationships for those born under the sign of Pisces always go smoother if their partner is a little bit on the wild side. Try expanding your horizons to keep your Pisces partner happy.


2. Pisces are Caring and Giving

Caring and charitable behavior are hallmarks of the Pisces sign. The Pisces can sometimes give beyond their emotional and financial means. This trait sometimes leads Pisces to show compassion and support where it is not necessarily merited or returned. Nevertheless, they care unconditionally and without an expectation of reward.

3. Pisces Live in Realms of Fantasy

The Pisces is a dreamer. This is because Jupiter and Neptune are strong ruling influences in their sign. Pisces aren't afraid to go after big goals. They believe that anything is possible. Unfortunately, this renders them somewhat less capable of dealing with reality. The Pisces can sometimes avoid unpleasant situations in favor of trying to keep everyone happy.

4. Pisces Empathize to a Great Degree

A Pisces will always be there for you when you have troubles. They can walk a mile in another's shoes and truly feel what another feels. This can come at a heavy price. The Pisces may ignore their own emotions and feelings on behalf of others, and this can create a storm inside their own psyche. They often bear their own hurts in silence, so be patient with them.

5. Pisces Can Be Oversensitive

Feelings are what Pisces are all about. They have a very kinesthetic personality. The words you say might seem harmless, but they can cut a Pisces to the bone. Use discretion in how you communicate with these individuals and try to remember how much they feel. The upside of this trait is that a Pisces can identify how you feel and know when you are emotionally torn.

6. Pisces are Introverts

Even though they like adventure and trying new things, Pisces are essentially introverts. They live inside their own heart. This means that they don't easily share their innermost feelings with others. Pisces people like to be around others and socialize but typically have a small circle of trust. Once you're in, though, you're in.

Thank you for reading! 

Do you recognize these traits in a Pisces you know? Please SHARE so that others can also better relate to the people they love and care about <3