Parents Of Britain's Biggest Family Reveal They're Expecting Two New Members
Feb 29, 2020
Britain's largest family is about to get even bigger. The family, which mostly lives in Morecambe, Lancashire, was started when Noel and Sue Radford had their first child when she was only 14 and he was 19; she got pregnant when she was 13 and he was 18.
The couple married four years after the birth of their first child. They went on to have 15 more children in rapid succession. The family became famous when they starred on the TV show "Fifteen Kids and Counting," which has been updated every year, with the latest version aired in 2019 entitled "21 Kids and Counting."
The family currently has 20 living children because their 17th child was stillborn. They also have three grandchildren. They are expecting not one, but two new arrivals in 2020, reports The Sun. Sue Radford, currently 44, is pregnant with her 21st child, due in April 2020. Sue's 18-year-old daughter, Millie, is expecting a child in September 2020.
The couple's first child, Christopher, is currently 30. Millie is their seventh child. Their youngest child, child number 21, is only a year old. They have five children in the home that are seven years old or younger and eight children between the ages of eight and 18 that are still living at home.
Their older children, seven of whom are older than age 18, don't seem to be following in their parents' tradition and having large families since only three grandchildren have been born so far, and Millie's child will be the fourth, reports the Daily Mail.
The large family lives in a 10-bedroom former care home in Morecambe, and the parents run a bakery they own, called Radford's Pie Company. According to The Sun, they have recently made extensive renovations to their home and allowed reporters to view their new, modern kitchen and redone living room. However, the video, which aired on YouTube, shows life in the home is rather chaotic.
Sue vowed not to have any more children in 2018, and they got rid of their stroller and toys and equipment for raising young infants and toddlers; the couple has had two more children since then, with a third on the way.
If you find this story and huge family intriguing, consider discussing it with your own friends and family.