Nine-Year-Old Boy Mows Lawns For Seniors, Disabled People And Veterans For Free—Thanks Jesse
Aug 29, 2020
Jesse Ward, a 9-year-old resident of Warner Robins, Georgia, decided to spend this past summer mowing the lawns of those in need. Taking care to visit the lawns of the elderly and disabled veterans, as well as single mothers, Ward has truly become a local hero.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Many students spent most of this past summer indoors thanks to COVID-19 quarantine efforts. Beyond that, many students have been home from school since March. Instead of spending his summer indoors, playing games, or lamenting the turn the year had taken, Jesse Ward spent his summer showing the world the value of selfless acts.
What's more, while accepting paid gigs for mowing lawns is a typical summer pastime for many young people, Jesse instead chose to mow these lawns for free out of the kindness of his own heart.
Jesse's own inspiration came from a movement started by one Rodney Smith in Alabama. Known as the nationwide 50-yard challenge, Smith's movement was aimed at providing care to the elderly in his own neighborhood.
Smith then created the Raising Men Lawn Care Service, a movement that has spurred on over 700 kids to mow at least 50 lawns in their community. The movement has seen great success in all 50 states, with kids between the ages of 7 and 17 participating and doing good all across the country.
Seeing the need for this kind of selfless act in his own neighborhood, Jesse joined the Raising Men Lawn Care Service challenge. The organization supplied Jesse with the equipment he needed, such as earplugs and safety glasses, as well as a t-shirt.
Looking to encourage Jesse's initiative, Jesse's mother Jennifer set up a Facebook page for locals in their community to contact Jesse's family and request lawn care assistance. Due to the page's success and Jesse's unending commitment to the project, he hopes to be able to reach his goal of mowing 50 lawns by the end of October.
In an interview with Newsner, Jesse's mother explained,
“He enjoys doing it. Just because he feels good about himself doing it, like paying it forward for someone, so it makes me feel good that it makes him happy."
As Jesse himself explained, the 9-year-old is fully aware of the disadvantaged position some adults find themselves in. He explained,
“Some people, they can’t cut their grass, they have to hire somebody to do it. I’m doing this for free."
While Jesse is making amazing strides in his community, he is also learning the positive impact of performing selfless work for others can have on one's life. He explained:
“One person said, ‘This is the best my yard has ever looked.’ And then the other person said, ‘My yard looks really good, thank you.'”
During a time in which communities may feel more disconnected than ever, 9-year-old Jesse Ward took it upon himself to mow the lawns of the elderly and disabled veterans in his community. This uplifting story has made an impact both on Jesse's community as well as Jesse himself, earning him praise from around the country.
Would you or someone you know take up a challenge like this? Let us know & don't forget to share it with your friends!