Newborn Girl Gives A Massive Stretch – The Precious Footage Has Gained Online Fame

Oct 22, 2020

In 2014, Rex J. filmed his then 6-day-old baby waking up early in the morning and stretching.

As if simply being born wasn't an absolute feat in itself, you still have to wake up in the mornings! A routine that most adults have come to dread, this newborn baby girl is learning early on what that early morning wake-up call feels like.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Baby Calina's father, Rex, simply loves taking videos of his sweet little girl ever since she was born. At just 6-days-old, he took a video of adorable Calina waking up from a nap. The video has all of us up in our feels!

The video has garnered over 2.9 million views, and when you see it, you will know why! You can clearly see Calina slowly stretching, yawning, and grunting her way out of what one can only assume was a peaceful dream.

This is the part of the video where those of us with children will long for that newborn baby stage again. Those of us without children will definitely feel that biological clock ticking away. But, this isn't the BEST part of the video.

On the Sixth Day, She Stretches

The first five days of Calina's life were quite uneventful, just as any new parent would prefer them to be. In fact, the biggest work Calina had to do was to be born.

Clearly, Calina hadn't quite rested enough the prior days, because she woke up still sleepy on the sixth day. At the start of her stirs, Rex decided to grab his camera, so he could share the cuteness with everyone. We are so glad he did!

A Case of the (Baby) Mondays

Though Calina's biggest responsibility these days is to simply grow and thrive, she can still be a victim of the Mondays! Watching her facial expressions when she wakes up is akin to mine every Monday morning! She looks confused, mad, sad, and pained all within seconds of waking.

If you're anything like us, that is a pretty accurate description of any Monday!

Where Am I?

Of course, Calina is still adjusting to her life outside her super-tiny studio apartment. So, it could be that the expressions are simply manifestations of her adjusting to life on the outside.

Though we cannot be certain exactly what that sweet little ball of baby love is thinking, we can speculate. Just a few of the thoughts her facial expressions convey include:

Perhaps, as you can hear Calina's mom mention in the video, she hasn't decided if she wants to stay awake or go back to sleep.

Check out More of Calena

Check out newborn Calena's sweet squeaks, stretches, grumbles, and grunts below, and let us know what you think! Most likely, you will also want to share this bit of adorableness with everyone you know! But, it doesn't end here!

How cute was Calina at barely a week old? Pass this bundle of joy along to your loved ones to brighten up their day!

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