New Dad Calls Repairman For Emergency; Floored By Note Left On Receipt Regarding Newborn Baby

Aug 08, 2018

Residing in Willmar, Minnesota, in the middle of February with a broken down furnace is no place to be, especially when a two-year-old (Henrick) is at home with Dad. That's not all; the new father is celebrating the birth of another boy, Adler, a day earlier. The newborn and mom Maria are doing well at the hospital, and a great video story follows.

The frigid home needs to be addressed, and Jesse Hulscher has to call in a professional repairman immediately. Mom and baby will be returning home soon, and a cozy warm abode with a working furnace is essential for the entire family.

To head off a major snowstorm approaching, Jesse calls up Magnuson Sheet Metal and speaks with the co-owner Craig Aurand. He hopes they can show up sooner than later, and Craig can sense the parent is worried. The repair truck pulls into the Hulscher driveway 20 minutes later. Jess meets him at the door and quickly explains about being a new dad, a broken furnace fan and Maria and Adler returning home shortly.

The repairman calms him down and goes to work in the basement. Jesse was impressed with the Magnuson company's ability to quickly restore much-needed heat to their freezing home. Everything was ready and perfect for little Henrick and for Maria and baby Adler to return home. Jesse was a happy new father.

When the bill arrived in the mail, both Jesse and Maria did double-takes when they saw the note left on the receipt. They were blown away by the kindness of the furnace repairman. The bill read "No charge. Take care of the new baby." They weren't sure it was real, but they were beaming.

The Magnuson company likes being of service to the community. They didn't act generously for publicity but because they treat others nicely. They even pay the repair bills for families in need or during emergencies near holidays.

What do you think of this company's reaction? This warm-fuzzy story needs to keep circulating, so don't be stingy; pay it forward!