Neil Diamond Comes Out Of Retirement To Give An Exclusive Concert To Fire Fighters
Aug 03, 2018
Suffering is a part of all human existence. It is something we cannot get away from.
The recent wildfire in Carr has certainly shown us that this is true. The fire has been devastating to California as it burns. However, this isn’t the only wildfire that is currently demolishing parts of the country.
A pair of young kids decided to head to a shooting range located in a state wildlife area in Basalt, Colorado on July 3rd. They used incendiary rounds when they fired their guns, the ammunition that is responsible for the wildfire that is still going strong.
The fire is now known as the Lake Christine Fire and has burned over 13,000 areas and caused at least $2.65 million dollars of real estate damage. It has also done damage to the local electrical infrastructure. The bravery of the firefighters battling this massive fire even inspired Neil Diamond to briefly come out of retirement.
Diamond has a bunch of hits under his belt, a few hall-of-fame honors, and a Grammy. His music career started in the 1960s and he remains a household name. Unfortunately, Diamond was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Diamond has had a home in the Lake Christine area for about 20 years and wished to thank area firefighters for all of their difficult work. He and his wife appeared at the Incident Command Post and sang “Sweet Caroline” to the first responders there.
The attendees were thrilled and joined in during the popular parts of the song. They were overjoyed that he had taken the time to visit them and they showed it.
Smartphones were out everywhere in the auditorium, capturing Diamond’s every move.
Diamond was just as happy to be there. He told them how much he loved them and that he wanted to take them home and make them dinner. He also joked that the men and women now had to save his house from the fire.
Unfortunately, Diamond does not have plans to go back to touring. He has stated that he does plan to make albums for a long time.
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