Navy Officers Are Joined By A New Curious Soldier - A Baby Seal, ln Military Training Exercise
Nov 26, 2018
The Navy recently picked up an unexpected recruit. And he seems to possess the drive and enthusiasm to stay the course.

The recruit is small but performs well in the water. He has also become a favorite of fellow recruits. The flippers on the young seal are sturdy and he has no need for a uniform.
Mr. Seal has performed admirably in his time with the Navy. He is always anxious to prove himself capable by wading through the cold sea water on his belly.
The Instagram page of War Office Productions contains a great video of Mr. Seal. It is quite likely the most adorable video of a seal on the internet.
The video begins with a group of United States Naval officers participating in a typically tough military exercise. The officers in the video are caked with sand from the beach. Next, the officers approach the frigid water. At this point in the video, the new recruit makes his presence known.
The excited seal flipped and flopped beside the officers. He was obviously thrilled to join them in their exercise. The eager to please recruit acted like a first-day employee trying to prove his worth. Thanks to video and the internet we can all share in his happiness.
One person that viewed the video called it the 'cutest' thing they had ever seen. The commenter also remarked that the seal wanted to be 'just like' the guys. A second viewer says the scene reminded them of a little brother walking an older brother to the bus stop.
There were others that could not resist making jokes pertaining to the term 'Navy Seal.'
Seals are known for being highly intelligent creatures with a curious nature. They have also been known to follow boats for a considerable distance to observe the onboard action. Seals in captivity have shown the ability to learn fairly complicated tricks rather easily.
Mr. Seal is a useful hand to have on deck. He is also a great swimming instructor for the officers. You will be impressed by his swimming speed when you watch the video.
Your Thoughts
What did you think about the Navy's newest recruit? Did you have any idea a seal could be so intelligent and adorable? Send the video of Mr. Seal joining the Navy to everyone on your friend's list. It is sure to bring a smile to their faces.