Naturally Flush Kidney Stones With These Four Ingredients

May 14, 2018

Kidney stones occur in about one out of every 20 people, so they aren't particularly common, but they can be a pain to deal with if you fall into the unlucky percentile. A kidney stone is a small piece of solid crystalline material that builds up slowly over time in your kidney, almost like a misshapen pearl.

Dehydration can easily lead to kidney stones since a lack of hydration causes the urine to become highly concentrated before it gets filtered through the kidneys, which makes it easier for the substances in the urine that might form a kidney stone to actually do so.

If kidney stones have a reputation for anything, it is that they are quite painful. As those tiny, jagged particles move through the ureter inside your body, the sharp edges produce pain that is felt beneath the ribs, in the back, and in the side.

In some cases, intense pain also radiates down into the groin and abdomen.

In some cases, you can facilitate the removal of a kidney stone from your system by drinking more fluids. This will essentially dislodge the stone, allowing it to travel down the ureter, through the bladder, and out the urethra. If the stone is large, you might require the help of prescription pain medication as well.

There are a few signs that a kidney stone is on the way. If your urine is abnormally colored, or there's blood in your urine, it could mean a stone is moving. You might also experience nausea, fever, and bodily chills.

Treating a kidney stone at home before they become a problem is certainly one of your best options, and with four simple ingredients, you can combat those pesky stones. The four ingredients you need are:

By blending these ingredients together into a single concoction, you can create a smoothie that will work to rid your system of kidney stones safely and comfortably. You should drink this blended beverage every morning with breakfast, or you can take a glass of it before each meal for maximal efficiency.

The most common form of kidney stone is made from excess calcium in the urine. This is often the result of a diet rich in salt or a metabolic condition. Risk factors include diet, obesity, dehydration, and family history. If you don't get enough water, and your diet is mostly made up of salty or processed animal foods, you might have a high risk of developing a kidney stone.

The best way to treat a kidney stone is to stop it from forming before it does. Keep yourself hydrated and don't eat foods that are high in salt. Reduce your intake of animal protein, and pay attention to your calcium intake.

Spread the word of this at-home treatment so others can benefit from it as well, and leave your stories here for others if you've had success with this method.

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