Mother Hen Protects Chicks From Rain With Her Body By Using Her "10 Extra Legs"

Sep 12, 2018

There are always unusual animals and interesting oddities in the world. While some of these stories end up in the news, other adorable moments end up fading away. In one adorable video, the world's most loving hen was videotaped protecting her chicks from the rain.

She Has Eight Legs Too Many

If you look at her face, the hen looks like any other chicken. It is only when you look underneath her body that you notice something unbelievably unusual. While she might look and act like any other hen, this mother bird seems like she has at least 10 extra legs. 

The mother hen was spotted in Visakhapatnam, India. It was an extremely rainy day, and the hen was wandering around the fish market as she searched for scraps. Luckily, someone happened to take this viral video as the hen walked by.

If you look closely at the video, you can see that the hen does not actually have 10 legs. While she looks like a caterpillar as she walks, she is actually trying to protect her chicks.

The rainy weather is pouring down around her, so she is trying to shelter her babies from the rain. In the video, the hen stretches out her wings to keep raindrops from falling down on her precious chicks. The little babies are not pleased with the weather, so they are huddled under her protective wings.

As she takes a step forward, the chicks stumble along and try to keep up with her pace. If you just glance at the image, it looks like the mother hen has 10 or more legs moving beneath her body. While they move too much to accurately count, it looks like the mother hen has at least five chicks underneath her wings.

This adorable clip has already gone viral online. As you can see in the video, the mother hen is a better parent than most people. Like human children, it does not seem like the young chicks realize the sacrifice that their mom is making for them.

While the mother hen gets soaked by the rain, her baby chicks get to stay warm and dry beneath her wings. With any luck, someone at the fish market fed these adorable birds a few scraps.

If you thought that this video was unbelievably adorable and sweet, make sure that you let all of your friends enjoy it as well.