Mom Shares Mic With Renowned Son — Netizens Divided Over Their Singing Skills

Oct 28, 2020

Jordan Rabjohn and Katharine Hallam are son and mother from Sheffield, United Kingdom, who covered Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah earlier this month. You won't believe what you hear! 

Rabjohn has been singing and writing songs for years and has built a large fan base. Humbly, he claims his mom is a better singer than he is. We had a hard time buying that one, but this rendition of the classic gospel hit will send shivers running down your spine!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

There are so many versions of this song, and if you're anything like us, you've heard them all! Each artist puts their own spin and musical style on the single. This is what makes or breaks it. Personally, we think Jordan and his mom, with their unique style, totally MAKE this song!

Jordan begins singing with a boy-band smoothness to his voice. It's agreeable and familiar. However, it doesn't take long for Jordan to break out and show us his range. You can pick up on a soft, raspy tinge in his voice, and midway through the song, his power is unleashed.

Likewise, Katherine appears very unassuming and, well, mom-ish in the video. However, when it is her turn to sing, she captivates you. Unable to look away, you will notice Katherine's surprising voice has a deep, resonating power to it. She rises and falls between octaves with no trouble.

Together, these two make for an amazing cover of Hallelujah. It feels smooth and controlled while also accentuating the rich and deep parts of the song. They begin by taking turns singing and eventually harmonize together. The result is priceless.

Like Mother, Like Son

Though we won't say if we think Jordan's mom is a better singer than him, we can say without a doubt that the proverbial apple doesn't fall far from the tree. However, the loveliness of their music isn't the best thing about them.

The best thing is that they truly enjoy working together. They are caught laughing and joking in the video. It's clear to see they have the utmost respect for each other and love each other deeply.

Booking Agent

Aside from being his mother and sometimes singing partner, Katherine is also Jordan's booking agent according to his Facebook page. We think she should consider booking herself a gig while she is at it, don't you? And, that's not all.

Katherine and Jordan take requests! Wait, what? They hold up a sign near the end of the video asking you for requests. Yes, simply comment a song you would like to hear them cover. Later, they will perform the song that ends up with the most comments.

A Shared Passion

The beauty of technology is that now you do not have to make it to super-star status to become noticed by others. Social media platforms allow you to share your passions with others. We're so grateful for it! Obviously, these two share an undeniable passion for music.

Do you have any music-loving friends or family who absolutely must see this video? Pass it along to them, so they don't miss out. Then, kindly let us know what you think about Jordan and Katherine's work. We can't wait to hear from you.

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