Mom In Labor For 40 Hours Gets Biggest Surprise Of Her Life - And Her Reaction Is Priceless
Oct 26, 2018
The birthing process is called labor for a reason. It takes some work to deliver a baby, and when you're in labor for hours at a time, you can begin to feel exhausted and almost like you're not going to make it to the finish line.
A mother who was in labor for 40 hours finally got to meet her sweet baby, but she was also in for one of the biggest surprises of her life.
Nicole and Matthew Ziesemer found out that they were expecting their first baby on Labor Day weekend. They immediately started making plans for Nicole's pregnancy and how they would handle the delivery.
They wanted to make sure Nicole and their baby were both safe and healthy throughout the entire length of the pregnancy and while she was in labor. Thinking that a natural delivery would be the best option, they decided that they wanted to keep the medical assistance to a minimum.
Along with the minimal medical details, they didn't want to have an ultrasound done. This meant that they didn't know the gender of the baby, and they didn't have a way to monitor the health of the baby as most couples do by viewing the details of the heart and the rest of the baby's body before birth.
A midwife was hired to assist in a home delivery because the couple wanted to try to avoid going to the hospital.
Since this was Nicole's first pregnancy, she didn't know much about what feeling a baby move would be like. She didn't know what was normal during pregnancy and what she should pay attention to if there were any concerns.
Most of all, Nicole didn't know that the plan that she had made with her husband would change when she went into labor.
About four weeks before Nicole's due date, she realized that it was time to meet her baby after her water broke. The couple drove through a snowstorm to the hospital because they weren't expecting her to go into labor that soon.
The couple contacted their midwife so that she could meet them at the hospital. When Nicole got settled in her room, she experienced contractions for 24 hours. After 30 hours, both the baby and Nicole were showing signs of being in distress.
The couple finally welcomed a little girl 40 hours after Nicole's water broke, but they were in for a surprise. A little brother was born about an hour after his sister! Check out this video when they surprise their family and friends as well:
The happy father wrote on Facebook: "My wife is by far the stronger person I know especially after what I saw her go thru these last two days." He continued saying that God definitely had a greater plan for them and showed them, that we don´t control anything in our lives.
You can see in the video how grateful they are for this wonderful gift of twins.
What do you think about this story? Do you think it was a God-given miracle or just a wonderful surprise? Do you know anybody that has a similar story? Tell us in the comments and pass this on to your friends to spread the love.