Mom Expects 10-Pound Baby - Only To Give Birth To Biggest Newborn Hospital Had Ever Seen

Sep 24, 2020

Couples dealing with the challenge of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) know what a struggle it is to conceive and carry a baby. When Jennifer Medlock from Arlington, Virginia was able to conceive twice against difficult odds, she and her husband Eric rejoiced. But, little did they know, their second child was going to be a record-breaker at the hospital back in 2018.

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Jennifer Medlock got the heart-rending diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome a few years ago, reports CBS Local. This condition is one of the leading causes of infertility. Doctors told Jennifer and her husband, Eric, that the chances of her becoming pregnant were extremely low.

Fortunately, with the help of fertility treatments as well as the prayers of friends and family, the couple proved that they could overcome the medical diagnosis. They welcomed their daughter, Annabelle, into the world two years ago.

Annabelle came into the world weighing 9 pounds, 10 ounces, at birth. That is significantly more than the average newborn who weighs in at 7.5 pounds.

The couple decided that one wasn't enough. Jennifer got pregnant again for a second time. With Annabelle come in at just over 9.5 pounds, Mom thought her son would likely come in at 10 pounds or more.

When Baby Ali decided to make his appearance, via C-section, everyone present at that moment received a bit of a shock.

He broke the weight records for newborns at Arlington Memorial Hospital. He came in almost twice the size of your average newborn at 14 pounds, 13 ounces, according to CBS Local.

Now, that's a hefty kid! Congratulations to the latest member of the family!

Ali was certainly a surprise. Do you know of any kids that broke records at birth? Let us know. Give your friends and family the chance to read the story for themselves.

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