Mom And Stepmom Are ‘Changing The Stigma With Co-Parenting’ By Becoming Best Friends

May 28, 2022

Co-parenting with an ex can be challenging at times, but many former couples do their best to put their differences aside for the sake of their children. However, this can become even more complicated when those partners move on and begin dating – and even go on to marry – new people. While this could definitely be awkward for former couples and potentially even their children, it’s definitely more than possible to get along with her ex-partner’s new husband or wife.

Former celebrity couple Bruce Willis and Demi Moore are a shining example of this as Moore now gets along extremely well with Willis’ current wife Emma Heming, and even consider each other close friends.

Everyday moms Tiffany Paskas and Megan Storz are also another prime example of this. They have found a way to create a blended family and get along in seamless harmony. Storz shares custody of her 11-year-old son named Michael with her ex-husband, and that ex-husband is now married to Paskas.

It took quite a while – four years, to be exact – for the women to finally even speak with one another as they waved through the awkward phase of getting to know each other. They slowly began figuring out how they could work together to help Michael feel more comfortable with his new living situation. 

Nowadays, not only have Storz and Paskas found a way to get along and be great co-parents along with Paskas’ husband, but they are also now the best of friends. Read on to find out more about The Moms of Tampa and their efforts to create a healthy blended family and amazing friendship.

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According to Good Morning America, Paskas and Storz’s friendship first started as a way to benefit their kids. “It was four years that it took before we even talked – I mean four years of awkwardness – not saying anything besides quick little, ‘Hi,’” Paskas explained.

Speaking with CBS42, Paskas said, “We just didn’t know it was OK to talk. We were under the impression, being children of divorce, that the ex and the new (partner) never intermingle, so it was like, best to stay away.”

Storz said that she really made an effort for her son Michael. “He didn’t want to express that he was having a good time at each household because he was just worried about upsetting the other house,” she said. “And that was 100% of the reasons why I reached out to (Tiffany) because I saw that firsthand and was like that’s not OK.”

Back in 2020, both Storz’s and Paskas’ husbands became sick at the same time, and they ended up quarantining together. “We had a great time,” Storz said. They began making TikToks together and started receiving questions about how they knew each other, so they decided to share their unique story with the world.

Now, Storz and Paskas call themselves the Moms of Tampa and share their message through multiple social media platforms about “changing the stigma with co-parenting,” including a Facebook account, TikTok videos and a podcast on Spotify.

Their goal is to help other parents and step-parents learn how to co-parent better together. Storz explained:

“It can be done. We get so many people who are like, I could never and it’s… you really could though. We understand that it can’t be done for everybody – if you could put your pride aside if it could be done.”

What do you think about this mom and stepmom’s message about co-parenting? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones.

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