Mom 36 Weeks Pregnant When Husband Leaves Her, Opens Oven To Find $10,000 Stack Of Cash

Aug 13, 2020

Back in 2015, a mother-to-be in Australia received the gift of a lifetime just when she needed it the most.

Amanda had thought all of her dreams were finally coming true. After suffering through three years of infertility, Amanda and her husband learned that they were expecting their first child. In anticipation, they bought a home and began settling into their new life.

The young woman from Sydney was living the best life when her world suddenly came crashing down. Out of the blue, her husband announced that he was leaving her, according to Newsner. Suddenly, Amanda was left alone with a new baby on the way and a house to pay for.

Amanda had hit rock bottom when her good friend, Anna, enlisted the help of a local radio station. Anna wrote to KIIS 1065 asking them to consider Amanda for their popular "Giveback" segment.

The plea worked and Anna and Amanda were soon on the radio together telling the heartbreaking story, as you will see in this video. As Amanda explained the immense difficulty of dealing with the uncertainty of the situation, she had no idea that the radio station had already been hard at work.

After Amanda finished telling the audience her story, the host told her to turn to face the video monitor. On the monitor was a live video of Amanda's home. Amanda was brought to tears when she saw that her home had been filled with a myriad of gifts to help her on her journey.

Included in the gifts were a vacuum cleaner symbolizing six months of free house cleaning, daily meals for the next three months, $4,000 of baby supplies, and $10,000 in cash that had been put inside of the oven as a special surprise, according to Newsner.

It was obvious that Amanda was beyond touched at the generosity of strangers. With tears streaming down her face, she could not get out enough thank yous.

This touching video will warm your heart and make your day. After you watch it, be sure to spread the joy to all of your friends and family so that they too can see the love. And let us know, what do you think about this surprise?