Men Can't Resist These 13 Qualities Of A Strong Woman

Oct 04, 2018

If you think a woman should expect to win a man's heart by being meek and passive, think again. Being a strong woman isn't about having huge muscles. It's about standing up for yourself and staying determined.

Here are 13 qualities of strong women that most men can't resist.

1. Not a perfectionist

Strong women can't do everything. Who can? While a strong woman will have plenty of things she's great at, there'll be things she struggles with. This doesn't matter to her, because she'll realize that her worth is not defined by being good or bad at things.

2. Understand value

When shopping for clothing and accessories, strong women know what they're worth. They won't let themselves settle for poorly-made knockoffs. If that makes them seem like they're high-maintenance, that's okay. Being able to keep themselves looking great is all that matters.

3. Body love

A strong woman sees her body as an extension of herself, and she loves it. There's no hostility felt for how she looks. There may be things she wants to work on, but she's never desperate to change how she looks.

4. Doesn't care about her age

Fear of turning 30, 40, 50 or some other age doesn't apply to strong women. They understand that your age ultimately doesn't matter. What does matter is making the most of your time on earth and not wondering what could've been.

5. Exercise devotee

Going for a run, swim, or lifting weights is a favorite pastime of strong women. They'll feel invigorated by pushing themselves and achieving amazing results in the process. It can be a slow journey to fitness, but they know that it's worth it.

6. Knows what she needs to work on

As we said, strong woman aren't perfectionists. If they're having trouble with certain aspects of life, they'll admit it. Help will be accepted and embraced. After all, they want to become even stronger women.

7. Isn't shy about her accomplishments

Strong women don't try to downplay their successes. If they do something well, they're not going to keep it to themselves. This isn't them being boastful. It's them showing their self-worth as women. It makes a strong woman feel great for others to know she's doing great.

8. Shuns toxic people

Anyone who is narcissistic, selfish, or otherwise toxic has no place in the life of a strong woman. She can recognize the signs of a manipulative person easily. Instead of sinking to their level, she'll move on and look for more positive relationships to take part in.

9. Treats her body right

Unhealthy habits have no place in the life of a strong woman. She'll take care of herself in every possible way. This means getting plenty of rest, eating well, exercising, and keeping her mental health in check. If she needs help from a professional, she will gladly accept it.

10. Thinks for herself

A strong woman doesn't make decisions because others tell her to. She makes them because she's doing what's best for her. Trying to force a strong woman into doing something is wrong, and she's not going to fall for it.

11. Doesn't waste anyone's time

Strong women know how invaluable time is. They don't want to waste their lives procrastinating. With so many opportunities to take advantage of, they want to jump into them right away. They'll also respect the time needs of others by making it to appointments and social gatherings on time.

12. Knows how to recharge

Achievement is a key part of the strong woman lifestyle, but that doesn't mean she can't unwind. She doesn't see it as avoiding responsibility. When a strong woman rests, they're able to emerge energized and ready to take on new challenges.

13. Won't be coerced

Strong women hold their heads high and tell people what they will and won't do. Those who try to take advantage of them will be quickly shown the door. There's absolutely no place for manipulation in a smart woman's life.

Not all strong women are the same. Some are outspoken while others are quieter. What they do have in common is confidence and the ability to stand up for themselves. Show this to all the strong women you know to see if they agree!