Man Recuses Moose Calf Stuck In Fence Mother Moose Is Not Too Happy About It

Feb 06, 2018

This fantastic video emerged when a Canadian man was recorded rescuing a moose calf tangled in a fence. The video shows the struggles this brave man had to deal with in order to save this baby moose. 

This good Samaritan heard the cry for help from the baby moose and reacted straight away to help free the poor animal while been confronted by the mother moose.

The strength of the fence between the man and the mother moose was nowhere near strong enough the hold the moose at bay, so he was forced to improvise by trying to scare the moose away. You can see him attempting to do this in the video. 

Once the mother moose has been scared off to a long enough distance away, he can plan the calves escape, which he did successfully. 

Let's hope this doesn't happen again! 

Good job Joal! Watch the full video below :) 

Thank you for watching! 

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