Man Finds His Dog On The Sidewalk Three Years After He Disappeared

Oct 22, 2020

In 2015, Georgy Berezani lost his dog, Jorge, near the city of Tbilisi, Georgia.

Berezani spent all his free time looking for the pooch with no success. Finally, three years later, he has reunited with his long-lost pup and the video is perfectly heart-warming.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

According to Viral Hog, Berezani was beside himself with grief when he lost his dog back in 2015. If you have ever owned a pet, you can understand why. They are literally your fur-babies. Berezani hung signs, placed ads in local newspapers, and combed the streets looking for Jorge. 

All of his efforts and hard work proved to be futile, and Berezani resigned to the fact that Jorge may never be found. Then, three years later, something peculiar happened.

Anything is Paws-ible

Berezani had gone about his life by now. Who wouldn't after trying his best to locate Jorge? Still, he always ached for his missing dog. Then, out of the blue, some workers from an opera house in Tbilisi contacted Berezani. What they told him would leave him beside himself.

Apparently, the workers were aware of a stray dog hanging out in the area for a few weeks. Eventually, one recognized the dog as being similar to the picture of Jorge in Berezani's lost dog sign. Could this stray be the long-lost Jorge?

Going to the Opera

Berezani had to find out if this dog was his Jorge that was lost so long ago. Of course, he hopped on the bus into the city. Even though the video is not in English, you can tell it was an exciting bus ride.

We can't be certain what Berezani says as the bus is driving to the opera house stop, but we can feel the urgency and nervousness in his voice. Certainly, he had his doubts that this could be Jorge after three long years of searching.

The bus slowly pulls up to the stop and Berezani makes his way to the door. Upon stepping off the bus and after a few turnarounds, Berezani gets his bearings. He heads directly to the opera house.

As Berezani approaches the dog, you can tell he still isn't sure it's Jorge. Only once he is within a few feet of the dog, he calls his name. What happens next is not what we expected!

I'm not Crying, You're Crying!

Upon hearing his name, Jorge springs up from his resting position and leaps into Berezani's arms. You can hear him get choked up as he repeats the dog's name again and again. Eventually, you can hear Jorge squealing in delight as he reunites with his owner. His tail is wagging so fast you can barely see it on the video. Clearly, this is one happy pup.

In case you were wondering, the yellow tag on Jorge's ear is the way the country of Georgia keeps track of its population of stray dogs. It simply means he's been vaccinated and neutered.

Home Again

At the end of the video, you get to see Jorge reunited with other family members when Berezani takes him home. Jorge runs around greeting each person as they happily call his name.

Jorge even begins barking excitedly as he reinspects his old home and hang-outs. If you are ready to get all your friends and family up in their feelings, make sure you pass this video along to them. Have you ever been reunited with a loved one when you least expected it? Make sure you tell us your story in the comments!

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