Man Custom-Builds Kayak So He Can Bring His Dogs On Adventures

Oct 07, 2020

When David Bahnson found out that his golden retriever, Susie, had a desire to go kayaking with him after jumping into his boat one day, he knew he had to find a way to get her closer to the atmosphere that she desired so much. Soon after, David's idea worked so well that he and his wife decided to adopt another golden retriever with a similar love for the water. 

This adorable video from 2016, shows David Bahnson and his wife kayaking in custom-made kayaks that have room for both dogs.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

While any dog can develop a love for the water, certain breeds are more prone to developing a fondness for this substance. Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and various hound breeds are notorious for their love of water.

When it comes to quantity, the amount of water present seems to be irrelevant to these animals. Whether they come across a small puddle, medium-sized pond, or huge lake, these pups are happy to play in whatever they can find.

Just a Couple of Water-Loving Dogs and a Giving Owner

As reported by NBC in 2016, every time David would get his kayak out, Susie would try to jump in with him to go for a ride. Deeming it unsafe, David knew there was no way he could take her along with him comfortably.

One day, Susie jumped into the garbage compartment of Bahnson's kayak and appeared to fit perfectly. That gave David the idea to make something that would make Susie's ride both pleasurable and safe. Keeping her safe and dry during his paddle, David knew he had to make another spot for the second golden retriever they had rescued.

Two Special Seats for Two Best Friends

After David carved out a second spot for their other furry friend, the two dogs could easily join David for his routine kayak sessions.

Teaching them how to enter and exit the kayak, stay in their place, and behave while in route gave David the reassurance he needed to be able to take both dogs out at the same time and maintain faith that they would behave. In general, these two dogs mind well and are not easily distracted by marine life or people nearby.

A Life Well Lived

Unfortunately, after their many adventures, Susie and Ginger both died from old age. As dog lovers, David and his wife told The Dodo that they took these two pooches everywhere with them, so life without Susie and Ginger seemed a bit off. Eventually getting another golden retriever to love on, David and his wife will never forget the two dogs who stole their hearts and had their own special spot in their family.

Their newest dog, Piper, now fills the empty hole that Susie used to occupy. Keeping it warm in her absence, David is thankful for the dogs who became his best friends and kayak partners.

Does your dog like the water? If you enjoyed reading this story, let us know in the comments, and be sure to pass it along!

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