Man Creates A Sneaky Way To Get His Cat To Stop Waking Him Up Everyday
Aug 16, 2018
If you’ve ever been around cats, you know how sneaky and mischievous they can be. One second they seem like the happiest, most snuggly four-legged friend ever, and the next they’re getting into all sorts of nonsense and mischief with their sheer intelligence. One owner was tired of his cat’s madness and tried to come up with a way to resolve it. Each and every morning, the owner of a smart cat named Mulder, was woken up by his pet who had learned how to open doors much like a human would!
The owner was armed with a camera and a bucket of water. He decided upon a brilliant plan. He placed the tub of water underneath the door, waiting for his beloved Mulder to pounce on the doorknob, knocking it wide open.
He hoped the water would serve as a deterrent to avoid Mulder waking him up by pouncing on him each morning. According to research on the intelligence of cats, his plan could be perfect! Studies have shown that memories and knowledge of events can be stored in the brain of a cat for eternity. Because cats are so easily scared, cats can retain knowledge of accidents or fearful incidents forever. The owner hoped that by deterring the cat with the water, the cat would remember the incident forever and avoid waking him up in the mornings.
This means that the cat, who normally fears water, would want to avoid the cold bucket of water underneath the door and be unable to open it to wake up his owner! Unfortunately for the owner’s sleep schedule, that wasn’t the case and the cat outsmarted him once again! This hilarious learning experience was recorded on video for all to witness and enjoy.
Watch as the cat outsmarts his human once again! Has your cat ever done anything like this?