Makeover Guy Gives Couple A Striking Makeover

Aug 27, 2019

Christopher Hopkins, the Makeover Guy, wondered why only women should have all the fun of getting a makeover, so he decided to give one to a couple.

Jane wanted her husband to have a makeover, but he refused unless she got one as well. They didn't regret it, and they are letting us all know that a makeover is just one great way for couples to spice things up. The video that accompanies this story has been viewed 30,000 times in one day! It seems that people like it when couples get makeovers.

This couple has been together for 37 years in total and married for 33 years. Anyone watching them can easily see that they are really into each other. Jane met her husband in high school, but she waited until her college years to start dating him. She doesn't want him to look "too good" because she thinks that will give him a big head. This couple demonstrates the fact that laughter in a happy marriage means that you have good-looking people, so a makeover wasn't necessary. They only wanted to give themselves a little touch up.

When you see what was done to them, you will be absolutely stunned! They were radically transformed, but the makeover also had the effect of making them look younger as well as glamorous. Jane loved the way her husband looked, and she thought he belonged on the cover of GQ. Her husband said that Jane has always been beautiful on the inside, but now she is even more beautiful on the outside.

The haircuts each one received put their facial features in a much better light. The grooming that the crew did on Jane's husband made his cheekbones even more prominent. With a majority of his hair gone, he is now standing up straight. Jane got a haircut too, but the style she was given reminds you of the actresses from years past. She wasn't wearing makeup when she arrived at the studio, but the makeup artists applied foundation, mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. Neutral colors were chosen so as not to distract from Jane's natural beauty. They also filled her eyebrows in so that her eyes could receive the most attention.

If you enjoyed this story as much as we did, let your friends know that it exists. Because you might have a makeover story of your own, feel free to tell us about it here so that we can all continue this discussion.