Loyal Dog Walks 125 Miles With Tears In Her Eyes To Reunite With Owner Who Left Her Behind
Jun 06, 2020
Dogs truly are a person's best friend. There are thousands of true stories about loyal canine companions who go above and beyond for their owners – whether those owners deserve it or not. Take Maru, a young bullmastiff. This brave 1-year-old pup crossed Siberia to return to her owner.

Six months earlier, she'd been adopted from a kennel in Novosibirsk. Sadly, her new owner decided to send her back after that short amount of time, claiming that she was allergic to Maru. Her owner loaded her up on a Trans-Siberian train for the long trip back, reports The Sun.

When the train stopped at Achinsk, Maru managed to open the compartment where she was kept. She jumped off the train and ran. Though workers on the train tried to stop her, she managed to escape. The woman who owns the kennel where Maru was heading, Alla Morozova, posted about Maru on social media. She also organized search parties to look for the wayward dog.
A couple of days passed and Alla was losing hope. Then came the news that someone had found Maru–more than 125 miles away, near the home of the owner who abandoned her.
To get there, Maru had to traverse remote forests filled with bears and wolves. It was a miracle that she made it that far alive. She didn't make it through unscathed, however. Her paws and muzzle were badly injured. Even if it might have been an infection or a reaction to the weather, it certainly looked like actual tears were streaming down her face.
One of Alla's friends drove Maru back to the kennel. Veterinarians are treating her for her injuries. Despite Maru's amazing loyalty, her former owner didn't even bother to help search for her.
What do you think about Maru's journey and her previous owner's behavior? Do you think Maru deserved better? Tell us in the comments below and don't forget to show this story to your loved ones.