Lao Tzu And His Four Spiritual Rules Of Living

Aug 01, 2018

Lao Tzu lived many centuries ago. He was one of the greatest Chinese masters to ever live. He created four spiritual rules to living: he called them the Four Cardinal Virtues. He believed that these rules were a guide to a life of peace and purposeful living. Lao Tzu once said that by following these rules a person will be able to learn the ultimate truths of life.

Below you will find Lao Tzu's rules of living and learn what exactly each rule means.

1. Reverence For All Life

Lao Tzu's first rule is simple: respect all forms of life. This means you should not seek to gain dominance over another person or animal. Lao Tzu believed that a person must first learn to love themselves. This will cause a person to love all life around them. This doesn't mean you have to be vegan. Lao Tzu understood that humans require other animals to live. He merely believes a person should have respect for other creatures.

2. Natural Sincerity

This rule comes down to being honest and authentic. Do not allow outside forces to sway your decisions. Always stay true to yourself. Once you understand yourself and stop relying on other people's opinions, you can begin to focus on what truly makes you happy. This rule, when followed by an individual, will spread to others that witness them.

The intention of this rule is to help a person understand the meaning of sincerity.

3. Gentleness

This is a rule that is often not followed in modern society. To be gentle, in the way that Lao Tzu intended, means to be nice to all different forms of life. Put away your egotistical desires and be kind to others. When you truly understand gentleness, you will understand that being nice is better than being right.

If practiced correctly, gentleness enables people to live together in peace and harmony. By practicing gentleness you will be able to see what truly matters in the world.

4. Supportiveness

This rule is all about providing support to other life forms. The major point to grab here is that you should do things for others, even when you aren't being compensated for your actions. Supportiveness teaches people that being happy is made easier when you are making others happy. Altruism is a natural part of human nature, but some people forget how important it is. People often do not fill fulfilled when they live a selfish lifestyle. Understanding this rule will help lead to a more fulfilling and happier life.

Lao Tzu believed that by putting your own needs aside, you will learn that the purpose of life is to serve others. This enables people to find purpose, finding joy in making the lives of others a little better.

These rules have been helping people find purpose for hundreds of years. There is no reason it can't be just as beneficial to you and your friends. Give these rules a try. See if they help you find purpose in life. Try putting your selfishness to the side and start helping others. You may see more than your own life change for the better. Don't be surprised if your friends seem happier around you too.

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